Logging UDP NLB Demo using CDK
Create a udp logging service that forwards udp logs to s3 using Fluentd's td-agent deployed with Cloud Development Kit (CDK)
Watch my youtube video explaining the stack
This code is provided as-is and is intended to be an example of how you can use these services and technologies.
This demo will need to be tuned and adjusted to fit in your environment.
This will deploy a UDP Network Load Balancer (NLB).
The NLB will provide static IP address to configure network devices a stable IP based target for logging.
By using UDP we will ensure we never cause disruptions for sensitive network devices attempting to contact a log server.
Default Private Architecture
If you use the default settings this is the architecture of the AWS resources that will be deployed:
![Private NLB Architecture](https://github.com/ClouderDex/CDK-UDP-NLB-Demo/raw/HEAD/diagram/CDK-UDP-NLB-Private.png)
Public Architecture
You can alternatively configure the NLB to deploy to the Public Subnet and use Public IPs by setting PUBLIC_ACCESS = True
in cdk_udp_nlb_demo_stack.py
![Public NLB Architecture](https://github.com/ClouderDex/CDK-UDP-NLB-Demo/raw/HEAD/diagram/CDK-UDP-NLB-Public.png)
- Python3.6
- npm cdk
- AWS account with credentials in your environment to create IAM | VPC | EC2 | etc
- Setup python requirements
$ python3 -m venv .env
$ source .env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Configure some settings
The application will deploy without any changes but there are a few settings at the top of cdk_udp_nlb_demo_stack.py that you might be interested in.
PUBLIC_ACCESS = False # True to use public NLB and Instances. If NLB is in Public, instances must be public as well.
NLB_ACCESS_IPV4 = "" # Change this to your public IP for NLB access if you set PUBLIC_ACCESS true
$ cdk synth
$ cdk deploy
Testing the Service
After the stack deploys you may want to testing things out.
- If you are using Private access you can use SSM to open a session to one of your instances and run the command below.
- It is important to note that there are 2 instances in the private configuration because you cannot send traffic from an instance to an NLB, then back to the same instance. (this traffic will get dropped)
- Send the command a few times to ensure one of the messages went to the OTHER instance.
- If you configured Public access you can send traffic to the NLB with the command below.
(The td-agent is configured to accept json messages)
echo "{\"timestamp\": `date +%s`, \"message\": \"test message\"}" |nc -u -w1 <your-nlb-ip-or-dns-name> 5160
Logs will take about 10 minutes to show up in your S3 bucket. This behavior can be modified in the td-agent.conf file.
Tear it down
After you are done testing you can tear down your CDK stack using cdk destroy
$ cdk destroy
This will leave the s3 bucket in place. You should manually empty and delete the s3 bucket if you are done with the data.