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Ant Design Mobile RN
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A configurable Mobile UI specification and React-based implementation.
Thank you all for trusting us and using antd-mobile-rn. Due to limited application secnarios and development resouces, we regret to annouce antd-mobile-rn will not be officially mainained and updated. If anyone in the community is interested to continue to maintain this project, please contact us in private.
If you found a bug you can file an issue directly and PR
are always welcome.
By the way. you can support this project via Star star sta st s... ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️.
Discussion: The new plan
The new version 3.x
has been released, please see the installation upgrade guide.Changelog
- Follow Ant Design Mobile UI specification.
- Configurable UI style for different products.
- Support web and native usages based on React Native.
- Develop in TypeScript.
install expo app: https://expo.io/tools
Install & Usage
$ npm install @ant-design/react-native --save
yarn add @ant-design/react-native
Link icon fonts
react-native link @ant-design/icons-react-native
We welcome all contributions, please read our CONTRIBUTING.md first. You can submit any ideas as pull requests or as a GitHub issue. If you'd like to improve code, check out the Development Instruction and have a good time! :)