Beego Compress
Beego Compress provides an automated system for compressing JavaScript and CSS files.
By default, it uses the Google Closure Compiler for JS, and the YUI Compressor for CSS.
See Customization Options for how to changes these defaults.
Sample Usage with Beego
After creating a config file, you can simply use this library in your beego application by following the steps below:
Move compiler.jar and yuicompressor.jar to your beego applications main directory.
This is usually the parent directory of your static
asset directory.
BTW: This library does not depend on the main Beego framework.
Therefore, you can easily integrate it with other frameworks, or use it in a standalone command line tool (see below).
Usage in your web application:
func SetupCompression() {
isProductionMode := false
setting, err := compress.LoadJsonConf("conf/compress.json", isProductionMode, "")
if err != nil {
if isProductionMode {
setting.RunCompress(true, false, true)
beego.AddFuncMap("compress_js", setting.Js.CompressJs)
beego.AddFuncMap("compress_css", setting.Css.CompressCss)
Usage in templates:
{{compress_css "lib"}}
{{compress_js "lib"}}
{{compress_js "app"}}
Congratulations! Let's look at the generated HTML:
Render result when isProductionMode is false
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Render result when isProductionMode is true
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Config file
Full configuration file example.
Note: All JSON key are not case sensitive.
"Js": {
// SrcPath is the path of (uncompressed) source file(s)
"SrcPath": "static_source/js",
// DistPath is the path of compressed file(s)
"DistPath": "static/js",
// SrcURL is the url prefix for the uncompressed files
"SrcURL": "static_source/js",
// DistURL is the url prefix for the compressed files
"DistURL": "static/js",
"Groups": {
// lib is the name of this compression group
"lib": {
// All compressed files will be combined and saved to DistFile
"DistFile": "lib.min.js",
// Source files of this group
"SourceFiles": [
// Files that should not be compressed
"SkipFiles": [
"app": {
"DistFile": "app.min.js",
"SourceFiles": [
"Css": {
// CSS configuration works analogous to JS configuration
"SrcPath": "static_source/css",
"DistPath": "static/css",
"SrcURL": "static_source/css",
"DistURL": "static/css",
"Groups": {
"lib": {
"DistFile": "lib.min.css",
"SourceFiles": [
"SkipFiles": [
Command line usage
When using the API setting.RunCommand()
$ go build app.go
$ ./app compress
compress command usage:
js - compress all js files
css - compress all css files
all - compress all files
Use "compress <command> -h" to get
more information on a command.
$ ./app compress js -h
Usage of compress command: js:
-force=false: force recreation of dist file
-skip=false: force recompression of all files
-v=false: verbose logging on/off
$ ./app compress css -h
Usage of compress command: css:
-force=false: force recreation of dist file
-skip=false: force recompression of all files
-v=false: verbose logging on/off
use -force to recreate the dist file (even if there are no changes to it)
use -skip to force recompression of all files (even if they have not changed)
Example application:
package main
import (
func main() {
isProductionMode := false
setting, err := compress.LoadJsonConf("conf/compress.json", isProductionMode, "")
if err != nil {
Customization options
The whole API can be viewed in GoWalker.
TmpPath is the default path for caching generated files.
JsFilters / CssFilters contains the slice of filter functions that are used to compress CSS and JS files, respectively.
The filters are applied in the same order as they are contained in the slice.
Each filter gets the output of the previous filter as its input.
JsTagTemplate / CssTagTemplate is the html/template.Template used to output <script>
and <link>
Contact and Issue Tracking
All beego projects need your support.
Any suggestions are welcome, please add a new issue to let me know.
beego compress is licensed under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0 (