Before usage need to create network for correct dependencies work:
task -d scripts network -v
Run via docker:
To run app and it's dependencies in docker, use next command:
task -d scripts prod -v
Run via source files:
To run application via source files, use next commands:
- Run all application dependencies:
task -d scripts local -v
- Run application:
go run ./cmd/server/server.go
To setup protobuf, use next command:
task -d scripts setup_proto -v
To generate files from.proto, use next command:
task -d scripts grpc_generate -v
To run linters, use next command:
task -d scripts linters -v
To run test, use next commands.Coverage docs will be
recorded to coverage
task -d scripts tests -v
To run benchmarks, use next command:
task -d scripts bench -v
To create migration file, use next command:
task -d scripts makemigrations NAME={{migration name}}
To apply all available migrations, use next command:
task -d scripts migrate
To migrate up to a specific version, use next command:
task -d scripts migrate_to VERSION={{migration version}}
To rollback migrations to a specific version, use next command:
task -d scripts downgrade_to VERSION={{migration version}}
To rollback all migrations (careful!), use next command:
task -d scripts downgrade_to_base
To print status of all migrations, use next command:
task -d scripts migrations_status
To see tracing open
next link in browser.
To see NATS monitoring open
next link in browser.