This project transforms OpenAPI schemas to GraphQL schemas.
I was originally using IBM`s openapi-to-graphql, and advise everyone to use it.
It is battle-tested (according to the GitHub Stars) and has probably way more edge cases covered.
Story Time
I am currently developing an OpenAPI to GraphQL proxy. This project uses 3 awesome tools under the hood
- deepmap`s oapi-codegen to generate client stubs for the given OpenAPI schema
- IBM`s openapi-to-graphql to generate a GraphQL schema from the given OpenAPI schema
- 99desings` gqlgen to generate the server stubs for the generated GraphQL schema
Number 1. and 3. are go projects, number 2. is a Node project. There lays the first reason why I decided to write an alternative.
A Node project means so much more stuff, e.g. package.json, package.lock, node_modules, npm has to be installed,
npx installs everything everytime, ...
Number 2. and the more severe thing: it uses a different validator than oapi-codegen.
I am pretty sure it uses IBMs openapi-validator]( which is fairly strict, whereas oapi-codegen uses [getkin
s kin-openapi.
No I do have some public available OpenAPI services I want to use and generate GraphQL proxies for, and these server`s schemas
are sometime not good enough to get parsed by openapi-to-graphql.
So I thought, if I would have to fork and modify openapi-to-graphql anyway, I could also write it in Go and get all the JS
dependency and tooling out of my project.
There is probably a lot of open issues right now. I will edit it going along, everytime I found severe problems with it.
I know that a lot can be done better, I am working on this for like 10 hours and is a more quick and dirty approach at the time.
Feel free to contribute and give me some PRs, if you want to.