Sitemap Builder
One way these can be built is by first visiting the root page of the website and making a list of every link on that page that goes to a page on the same domain. For instance, on you might find a link to along with several other links.
Once you have created the list of links, you could then visit each and add any new links to your list. By repeating this step over and over you would eventually visit every page that on the domain that can be reached by following links from the root page.
Implementation of Sitemap Builder from gophercises, including the bonus section.
Gophercises by Jon Calhoun
Run Commands:
- go run main.go --help (-h)
- go run main.go
- go run main.go --depth
- performing http.Get request for given urls and parsing the documents
- using bread-first traversal on child hrefs to generate a sitemap
- encoding generated sitemap into xml format
Packages explored:
- encoding/xml - to encode go data structure into xml format
- flag - to get depth of search and root url
- net/http - to perform GET request on urls
- net/url - to access specific parts of a request url
- os - to create new file and store encoded results into
- strings - to check for prefixes in the parsed links
- - to parse the HTML document and extract all hrefs from it
D:\gophercises\sitemap>go run main.go --help
Usage of C:\Users\hauntarl\AppData\Local\Temp\go-build3946356141\b001\exe\main.exe:
-depth int
the maximum depth of links to follow when building a sitemap (default 127)
-url string
the url that you want to build a sitemap for (default "")
D:\gophercises\sitemap>go run main.go -depth=2
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">