Go Expert Weather API
This is a simple weather API project developed in Go that provides temperature information based on the postal code (zipcode), using Open Telemetry and Zipkin for tracing and spans.
How to Run the Project Locally
1. Clone the repository
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/jordanoluz/goexpert-weather-api.git
2. Navigate to the project directory
Change into the project directory:
cd goexpert-weather-api
3. Run Docker Compose
To run the project using Docker, use Docker Compose to build and start the containers:
docker compose up -d --build
This will build the Docker images and start the application containers.
4. Automated Tests
The Docker Compose setup will automatically run tests using the go test command before starting the application.
5. Test the API
Once the container is running, you can test the API using the following curl
- To check the POST request for a valid zipcode:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8181/weather \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"cep": "29902555"
Expected response: City name and temperature data for the given zipcode.
6. Check the Tracing
After making the requests mentioned in step 5, you can access the following URL to view the tracing and span data:
This will display the tracing results, allowing you to monitor the flow of requests through OpenTelemetry and Zipkin.