Luminati Client
Client for obtaining keyword data via BrightData (Luminati)
go get
First create a new client and pass an instance that implements a redigo.Store. This could be a Redis Cache, Go Cache or anything that uses
the methods defined below, these are used to decrease the calls to the BrightData (Luminati) API endpoint. The client has two methods
and HTML
, both of which are described here.
client, err := New("")
if err != nil {
serps, meta, err := client.JSON(Options{
Keyword: "macbook",
Country: "us",
Params: nil,
Desktop: false,
if err != nil {
domain := serps.CheckURL("")
fmt.Printf("Serps: %+v\n", serps)
fmt.Printf("Domain: %+v\n", domain)
fmt.Printf("Meta: %+v\n", meta)
Get started
To create a new client, simply to New
or NewWithCache
Creates a new client without any cache getting or setting.
client, err := luminati.New()
if err != nil {
Creates a new client with cache. Pass the instance of a redigo.Store
to the function with a default
cache expiry time.
client, err := luminati.NewWithCache("", &Cache{}, luminati.DefaultCacheExpiry)
if err != nil {
Both of the functions requires Options
struct to be used to obtain Serp data.
type Options struct {
Keyword string
Country string
Query url.Values
Desktop bool
PreventCache bool
Meta defines the information sent back from the client. It contains a cache key (if the client is using the cache). The request URL
used to perform the request and response, request and latency times. It is returned by both of the methods in the KeywordFinder
type Meta struct {
CacheKey string
RequestURL string
RequestTime time.Time
ResponseTime time.Time
LatencyTime time.Duration
To obtain JSON data call .JSON()
from the client and pass in options. It returns a collection of serp data as defined
in luminati.Serps
serps, meta, err := client.JSON(luminati.Options{
Keyword: "macbook",
CheckURL: "",
Country: "uk",
Query: nil,
Desktop: false,
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", serps)
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", meta)
Checking URL's
To check Serp data against a URL, call CheckURL
from the return data. CheckURL obtains the highest ranking
Serp for a given URL and returns a Domain
struct. Features are also obtained.
domain := serps.CheckURL("")
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", domain)
To obtain HTML data call .HTML()
from the client and pass in options. It returns a string of html data.
html, meta, err := client.HTML(luminati.Options{
Keyword: "macbook",
CheckURL: "",
Country: "uk",
Query: nil,
Desktop: false,
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", meta)
You are able to establish if the Luminati Client error returned by any of the functions is a timeout error by using
. You can see an example below.
_, err := c.JSON(luminati.Options{})
if err != nil && err == luminati.ErrClientTimeout {
} else if err != nil {
CLI Usage
To use the CLI you can either run from source or use the prebuilt exec. You wil be able to pass in arguments
to obtain SERP Data when running.
Run from built
cd ./cmd && ./luminati
Run from source