⏱️ the progress.Reader interface
The io.Reader
of reporting progress.
Progress monitoring is a crucial part of many applications, and deserves a simple, standardized interface.
The progress.Reader
interface aims to be just that.
progress.Reader interface
DoneChan() (done chan struct{}, completed bool)
Count() (finished uint64, total uint64)
To drive adoption and provide practical utility, we've also included handy tools right out of the box! 📦
🤩 If you like the idea, here's the fastest way to expose a progress.Reader.
This concurrency-safe utility makes instrumenting your long-running functions with a Reader implementation absolutely painless. Support progress and make your library consumers extremely happy!
This simple wrapper adds helpful functions to a Reader, such as estimating the remaining time:
PerSecond() float64
Remaining() time.Duration
Percentage() float64
InProgress() bool
Instantly start a goroutine that keeps an eye on a Reader and logs informative updates! 👀 Here's what it looks like today:
searching: 49% (20.69/s, 1.256483582s remaining)
searching: 56% (18.01/s, 1.221804358s remaining)
searching: 80% (20.37/s, 490.981158ms remaining)
searching: 100% (21.98/s, 0s remaining)
Drop in replacement for sync.WaitGroup that satisfies the Reader interface.
📝 Todo List
Here's some simple ideas for those looking to contribute.