Security News
Supply Chain Attack Detected in Solana's web3.js Library
A supply chain attack has been detected in versions 1.95.6 and 1.95.7 of the popular @solana/web3.js library.
Simple Time Handling Utilities for Go
import (
func main() {
// 创建当前时间的实例
// Create an instance for the current time
now := gdatetime.Now()
fmt.Println("Current Time:", now.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
// Expected: Current Time: <current time>
// 创建具体时间的实例
// Create an instance for a specific time
specificTime, _ := gdatetime.Of(2023, 12, 25, 10, 30, 0, 0)
fmt.Println("Specific Time:", specificTime.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
// Expected: Specific Time: 2023-12-25 10:30:00
// 获取年、月、日
// Get year, month, and day
fmt.Println("Year:", specificTime.GetYear())
// Expected: Year: 2023
fmt.Println("Month:", specificTime.GetMonth())
// Expected: Month: 12
fmt.Println("Day of Month:", specificTime.GetDayOfMonth())
// Expected: Day of Month: 25
// 比较日期
// Compare dates
tomorrow := now.PlusDays(1)
fmt.Println("Tomorrow is after today:", tomorrow.IsAfter(now))
// Expected: Tomorrow is after today: true
// 日期加减
// Date addition and subtraction
oneWeekLater := now.PlusWeeks(1)
fmt.Println("One week later:", oneWeekLater.Format("2006-01-02"))
// Expected: One week later: <date one week from now>
// 日期的开始与结束
// Start and end of the day
startOfDay := now.StartOfDay()
endOfDay := now.EndOfDay()
fmt.Println("Start of today:", startOfDay.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
// Expected: Start of today: <today's date> 00:00:00
fmt.Println("End of today:", endOfDay.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
// Expected: End of today: <today's date> 23:59:59
// 获取当前月份的开始
// Get the start of the current month
startOfMonth := now.StartOfMonth()
fmt.Println("Start of Month:", startOfMonth.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
// Expected: Start of Month: <first day of current month> 00:00:00
// 获取当前月份的结束
// Get the end of the current month
endOfMonth := now.EndOfMonth()
fmt.Println("End of Month:", endOfMonth.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
// Expected: End of Month: <last day of current month> 23:59:59
// 获取当前周的开始
// Get the start of the current week
startOfWeek := now.StartOfWeek()
fmt.Println("Start of Week:", startOfWeek.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
// Expected: Start of Week: <Sunday of the current week> 00:00:00
// 获取当前周的结束
// Get the end of the current week
endOfWeek := now.EndOfWeek()
fmt.Println("End of Week:", endOfWeek.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
// Expected: End of Week: <Saturday of the current week> 23:59:59
// 获取周一开始的当前周的起始日期
// Get the start of the current week starting from Monday
startOfWeek := now.StartOfWeekFromMonday()
fmt.Println("Start of Week from Monday:", startOfWeek.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
// 预计结果:Start of Week from Monday: <date of last Monday> 00:00:00
// 获取以周一开始的当前周的结束日期
// Get the end of the current week ending on Sunday
endOfWeek := now.EndOfWeekFromMonday()
fmt.Println("End of Week from Monday:", endOfWeek.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
// 预计结果:End of Week from Monday: <date of next Sunday> 23:59:59
// 时区转换
// Time zone conversion
location, _ := time.LoadLocation("America/New_York")
timeInNY := now.ConvertToZone(*location)
fmt.Println("Current Time in New York:", timeInNY.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05 MST"))
// Expected: Current Time in New York: <time in NY>
// 重置时区到本地
// Reset time zone to local
localTime := timeInNY.ResetZoneToDefault()
fmt.Println("Time back in local:", localTime.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05 MST"))
// Expected: Time back in local: <local time>
// 比较两个日期的年月日是否相同
// Compare if two dates are the same in terms of year, month, and day
sameDay := now.EqualDate(now)
fmt.Println("Same day comparison:", sameDay)
// Expected: Same day comparison: true
// 比较时间顺序
// Compare chronological order
compareResult := now.CompareTo(tomorrow)
fmt.Println("Compare today with tomorrow:", compareResult)
// Expected: Compare today with tomorrow: -1
// 另外的日期和时间比较
// Additional date and time comparison
compareDateResult := specificTime.CompareDate(now)
fmt.Println("Compare specific date with today:", compareDateResult)
// Expected: Compare specific date with today: 1 or -1 depending on the current date
compareTimeResult := specificTime.CompareTime(now)
fmt.Println("Compare specific time with current time:", compareTimeResult)
// Expected: Compare specific time with current time: 1 or -1 depending on the current time
// 检查日期是否在另一个日期之前或之后
// Check if a date is before or after another date
isBefore := specificTime.IsBefore(now)
fmt.Println("Specific time is before now:", isBefore)
// Expected: Specific time is before now: true or false
isAfter := specificTime.IsAfter(now)
fmt.Println("Specific time is after now:", isAfter)
// Expected: Specific time is after now: true or false
Create(t time.Time) *GDateTime // Creates a new GDateTime instance. (创建新实例)
Now() *GDateTime // Gets a GDateTime instance representing the current time. (获取当前时间实例)
Of(year, month, dayOfMonth, hour, minute, second, nanoOfSecond int) (*GDateTime, error) // Obtains an instance of GDateTime for a specific year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and nanosecond. (根据具体日期和时间创建实例)
Of2(year, month, dayOfMonth, hour, minute, second int) (*GDateTime, error) // Obtains an instance of GDateTime for a specific year, month, day, hour, minute, and second with nanosecond set to zero. (创建具体日期时间实例,纳秒为0)
Of3(year, month, dayOfMonth, hour, minute int) (*GDateTime, error) // Obtains an instance of GDateTime for a specific year, month, day, hour, and minute with second and nanosecond set to zero. (创建具体日期时间实例,秒和纳秒为0)
Parse(dateStr string, layout string) (*GDateTime, error) // Parses a date string using a specific time layout. (解析日期字符串)
FormUnixTimestamp(timestamp int64, nano int64) (*GDateTime, error) // Creates a GDateTime instance using a Unix timestamp with additional nanoseconds. (使用Unix时间戳创建实例)
FormMillisTimestamp(timestamp int64) (*GDateTime, error) // Creates a GDateTime instance using a Unix timestamp in milliseconds. (使用毫秒级Unix时间戳创建实例)
ToTime() time.Time // Converts a GDateTime instance to a time.Time type. (转换为time.Time类型)
GetSecondTimestamp() int64 // Gets the timestamp in seconds. (获取秒级时间戳)
GetMillSecondTimestamp() int64 // Gets the timestamp in milliseconds. (获取毫秒级时间戳)
GetYear() int // Gets the year. (获取年份)
GetMonth() int // Gets the month. (获取月份)
GetDayOfMonth() int // Gets the day of the month. (获取月中日)
GetDayOfYear() int // Gets the day of the year. (获取年中日)
GetDayOfWeek() int // Gets the day of the week (Sunday = 0). (获取星期几)
GetHour() int // Gets the hour. (获取小时)
GetMinute() int // Gets the minute. (获取分钟)
GetSecond() int // Gets the second. (获取秒)
GetNano() int // Gets the nanosecond. (获取纳秒)
WeekOfYearStartsFromJan1() int // Returns the week number where January 1st is considered the start of the first week of the year. (返回周数,其中1月1日被视为一年中第一周的开始。)
FirstFullWeekOfYear() int // Returns the week number such that the first full week (Monday to Sunday) completely within the new year is considered the first week. (返回周数,其中年内第一个完整的周(周一到周日)被视为第一周。)
WeekOfYearISO8601() int // Returns the week number according to ISO 8601, where the week containing the first Thursday of the year is considered the first week. (根据ISO 8601返回周数,其中包含一年中第一个星期四的周被视为第一周。)
WithYear(year int) (*GDateTime, error) // Sets the year. (设置年份)
WithMonth(month int) (*GDateTime, error) // Sets the month. (设置月份)
WithDayOfMonth(day int) (*GDateTime, error) // Sets the day of the month. (设置月中日)
WithDayOfYear(day int) (*GDateTime, error) // Sets the day of the year. (设置年中日)
WithHour(hour int) (*GDateTime, error) // Sets the hour. (设置小时)
WithMinute(minute int) (*GDateTime, error) // Sets the minute. (设置分钟)
WithSecond(second int) (*GDateTime, error) // Sets the second. (设置秒)
WithNano(nano int) (*GDateTime, error) // Sets the nanosecond. (设置纳秒)
TruncateTo(unit timeunit.TimeUnit) *GDateTime // Truncates this GDateTime to the specified unit. (将此GDateTime截断到指定的单位)
PlusYears(years int) *GDateTime // Adds the specified number of years to the GDateTime. (增加年份)
PlusMonths(months int) *GDateTime // Adds the specified number of months to the GDateTime. (增加月份)
PlusWeeks(weeks int) *GDateTime // Adds the specified number of weeks to the GDateTime. (增加周数)
PlusDays(days int) *GDateTime // Adds the specified number of days to the GDateTime. (增加天数)
PlusHours(hours int) *GDateTime // Adds the specified number of hours to the GDateTime. (增加小时)
PlusMinutes(minutes int) *GDateTime // Adds the specified number of minutes to the GDateTime. (增加分钟)
PlusSeconds(seconds int) *GDateTime // Adds the specified number of seconds to the GDateTime. (增加秒数)
PlusNanos(nanos int) *GDateTime // Adds the specified number of nanoseconds to the GDateTime. (增加纳秒)
Plus(amountToAdd int, unit timeunit.TimeUnit) *GDateTime // Adjusts the time based on the specified amount and unit. (根据数量和单位调整时间)
Minus(years int, unit timeunit.TimeUnit) *GDateTime // Subtracts the specified amount and unit from the time. (根据数量和单位减少时间)
MinusYears(years int) *GDateTime // Subtracts the specified number of years from the GDateTime. (减少年份)
MinusMonths(months int) *GDateTime // Subtracts the specified number of months from the GDateTime. (减少月份)
MinusWeeks(weeks int) *GDateTime // Subtracts the specified number of weeks from the GDateTime. (减少周数)
MinusDays(days int) *GDateTime // Subtracts the specified number of days from the GDateTime. (减少天数)
MinusHours(hours int) *GDateTime // Subtracts the specified number of hours from the GDateTime. (减少小时)
MinusMinutes(minutes int) *GDateTime // Subtracts the specified number of minutes from the GDateTime. (减少分钟)
MinusSeconds(seconds int) *GDateTime // Subtracts the specified number of seconds from the GDateTime. (减少秒数)
MinusNanos(nanos int) *GDateTime // Subtracts the specified number of nanoseconds from the GDateTime. (减少纳秒)
StartOfMonth() *GDateTime // Sets the date to the start of the month. (设置为月初)
EndOfMonth() *GDateTime // Sets the date to the end of the month. (设置为月末)
StartOfWeek() *GDateTime // Sets the date to the start of the week (week starts on Sunday). (设置为周初)
EndOfWeek() *GDateTime // Sets the date to the end of the week (week ends on Saturday). (设置为周末)
StartOfWeekFromMonday() *GDateTime // Sets the date to the start of the week (week starts on Monday). (设置为从周一开始的周初)
EndOfWeekFromMonday() *GDateTime // Sets the date to the end of the week (week ends on Sunday). (设置为从周一开始的周末)
StartOfDay() *GDateTime // Sets the date to the start of the day. (设置为当天开始)
EndOfDay() *GDateTime // Sets the date to the end of the day. (设置为当天结束)
DaysInMonth(year, month int) int // returns the number of days in a given month for a specific year.
ConvertToZone(loc time.Location) *GDateTime // Changes the time zone of the GDateTime. (更改时区)
ResetZoneToDefault() *GDateTime // Resets the time zone to local. (重置为本地时区)
EqualDate(other *GDateTime) bool // Checks if the year, month, and day of two GDateTime instances are the same. (比较年月日是否相同)
CompareTo(other *GDateTime) int // Compares two GDateTime instances to determine their chronological order. (比较两个实例的时间顺序)
CompareDate(other *GDateTime) int // Compares the date components (year, month, day) of two GDateTime instances. (比较两个实例的日期顺序)
CompareTime(other *GDateTime) int // Compares the time components (hour, minute, second) of two GDateTime instances. (比较两个实例的时间顺序)
IsBefore(other *GDateTime) bool // Checks if this GDateTime instance is before the provided GDateTime instance. (判断是否早于另一个实例)
IsAfter(other *GDateTime) bool // Checks if this GDateTime instance is after the provided GDateTime instance. (判断是否晚于另一个实例)
ToFormatString(layout string) string // Formats the GDateTime based on the time package layout specifier. (根据格式规范格式化时间)
Strftime(f string) string //C style format date ,format document=>
ToDateTimeString() string // Returns the GDateTime as a string in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. (将 GDateTime 格式化为字符串,格式为 yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss。)
ToFormatDateString() string // Returns the GDateTime as a string in the format yyyy-MM-dd. (将 GDateTime 格式化为字符串,格式为 yyyy-MM-dd。)
YearsBetween(end *GDateTime) int // Calculates the full year difference between two dates, adjusting for incomplete year spans. (计算两个日期之间完整年份的差异,考虑不完整的年份差距)
MonthsBetween(end *GDateTime) int // Calculates the full month difference between two dates, adjusting for incomplete month spans. (计算两个日期之间完整月份的差异,考虑不完整的月份差距)
DaysBetween(end *GDateTime) int // Calculates the full day difference between two dates based on actual time difference. (根据实际时间差异计算两个日期之间的天数差异)
HoursBetween(end *GDateTime) int // Calculates the hour difference between two timestamps. (计算两个时间戳之间的小时差)
MinutesBetween(end *GDateTime) int // Calculates the minute difference between two timestamps. (计算两个时间戳之间的分钟差)
SecondsBetween(end *GDateTime) int // Calculates the second difference between two timestamps. (计算两个时间戳之间的秒差)
IsWithinRange(start, end *GDateTime) bool // Checks if this GDateTime instance is within the range specified by start and end. (判断此实例是否在指定的开始和结束实例之间)
Monday() *GDateTime // Returns the date of Monday for the current week, with weeks starting on Monday. (返回当前周的周一日期,本周以周一开始。)
Tuesday() *GDateTime // Returns the date of Tuesday for the current week, with weeks starting on Monday. (返回当前周的周二日期,本周以周一开始。)
Wednesday() *GDateTime // Returns the date of Wednesday for the current week, with weeks starting on Monday. (返回当前周的周三日期,本周以周一开始。)
Thursday() *GDateTime // Returns the date of Thursday for the current week, with weeks starting on Monday. (返回当前周的周四日期,本周以周一开始。)
Friday() *GDateTime // Returns the date of Friday for the current week, with weeks starting on Monday. (返回当前周的周五日期,本周以周一开始。)
Saturday() *GDateTime // Returns the date of Saturday for the current week, with weeks starting on Monday. (返回当前周的周六日期,本周以周一开始。)
Sunday() *GDateTime // Returns the date of Sunday for the current week, with weeks starting on Monday. (返回当前周的周日日期,本周以周一开始。)
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Security News
A supply chain attack has been detected in versions 1.95.6 and 1.95.7 of the popular @solana/web3.js library.
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A malicious npm package targets Solana developers, rerouting funds in 2% of transactions to a hardcoded address.
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Socket researchers have discovered malicious npm packages targeting crypto developers, stealing credentials and wallet data using spyware delivered through typosquats of popular cryptographic libraries.