Aerospike Benchmark Tool
This is development repo to benchmark aerospike performance is sufficient for IDM.
-c int
Number of goroutines for querying. (default 32)
-d int
How many devices per CID to insert in Seed mode or to randomly select while benchmarking. (default 3)
-h string
Aerospike server seed hostnames or IP addresses (default "")
-i int
Print a status report every x seconds. Should be < Time Limit (default 10)
-k int
How many CID users to insert in Seed mode, or the range CIDs to query that have already been seeded. (default 100000)
-m string
query/seed. Seed to insert records, query to benchmark (default "query")
-n string
Aerospike namespace. (default "test")
-p int
Aerospike server seed hostname or IP address port number. (default 3000)
-s string
Aerospike set name. (default "aerospike")
-t int
Number of seconds to run benchmark. (default 60)
-u Show usage information.
Seed database with 1,000,000 unique CIDs with 3 DIDs each
./dmp-aerospike-benchmakring -h localhost -m seed -k 1000000 -d 3
Run a 24 hour test randomly querying DIDs from 1m CID, with interval reports every hour:
./dmp-aerospike-benchmarking -h localhost -i 3600 -t 86400 -k 1000000 -d 3