Package csvutil provides fast and idiomatic mapping between CSV and Go values.
This package does not provide a CSV parser itself, it is based on the Reader and Writer
interfaces which are implemented by eg. std csv package. This gives a possibility
of choosing any other CSV writer or reader which may be more performant.
go get github.com/jszwec/csvutil
Nice and easy Unmarshal is using the std csv.Reader with its default options. Use Decoder for streaming and more advanced use cases.
var csvInput = []byte(`
type User struct {
Name string `csv:"name"`
Age int `csv:"age"`
var users []User
if err := csvutil.Unmarshal(csvInput, &users); err != nil {
fmt.Println("error:", err)
fmt.Printf("%+v", users)
Marshal is using the std csv.Writer with its default options. Use Encoder for streaming or to use a different Writer.
type Address struct {
City string
Country string
type User struct {
Name string
Age int `csv:"age,omitempty"`
users := []User{
{Name: "John", Address: Address{"Boston", "USA"}, Age: 26},
{Name: "Bob", Address: Address{"LA", "USA"}, Age: 27},
{Name: "Alice", Address: Address{"SF", "USA"}},
b, err := csvutil.Marshal(users)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error:", err)
Unmarshal and metadata
It may happen that your CSV input will not always have the same header. In addition
to your base fields you may get extra metadata that you would still like to store.
Decoder provides
Unused method, which after each call to
Decode can report which header indexes
were not used during decoding. Based on that, it is possible to handle and store all these extra values.
type User struct {
Name string `csv:"name"`
City string `csv:"city"`
Age int `csv:"age"`
OtherData map[string]string `csv:"-"`
csvReader := csv.NewReader(strings.NewReader(`
dec, err := csvutil.NewDecoder(csvReader)
if err != nil {
header := dec.Header()
var users []User
for {
u := User{OtherData: make(map[string]string)}
if err := dec.Decode(&u); err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
for _, i := range dec.Unused() {
u.OtherData[header[i]] = dec.Record()[i]
users = append(users, u)
Some CSV files have no header, but if you know how it should look like, it is
possible to define a struct and generate it. All that is left to do, is to pass
it to a decoder.
type User struct {
ID int
Name string
Age int `csv:",omitempty"`
City string
csvReader := csv.NewReader(strings.NewReader(`
userHeader, err := csvutil.Header(User{}, "csv")
if err != nil {
dec, err := csvutil.NewDecoder(csvReader, userHeader...)
if err != nil {
var users []User
for {
var u User
if err := dec.Decode(&u); err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
users = append(users, u)
fmt.Printf("%+v", users)
csvutil provides the best encoding and decoding performance with small memory usage.
benchmark code: https://gist.github.com/jszwec/e8515e741190454fa3494bcd3e1f100f
BenchmarkUnmarshal/csvutil.Unmarshal/1_record-8 300000 5852 ns/op 6900 B/op 32 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnmarshal/csvutil.Unmarshal/10_records-8 100000 13946 ns/op 7924 B/op 41 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnmarshal/csvutil.Unmarshal/100_records-8 20000 95234 ns/op 18100 B/op 131 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnmarshal/csvutil.Unmarshal/1000_records-8 2000 903502 ns/op 120652 B/op 1031 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnmarshal/csvutil.Unmarshal/10000_records-8 200 9273741 ns/op 1134694 B/op 10031 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnmarshal/csvutil.Unmarshal/100000_records-8 20 94125839 ns/op 11628908 B/op 100031 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnmarshal/gocsv.Unmarshal/1_record-8 200000 10363 ns/op 7651 B/op 96 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnmarshal/gocsv.Unmarshal/10_records-8 50000 31308 ns/op 13747 B/op 306 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnmarshal/gocsv.Unmarshal/100_records-8 10000 237417 ns/op 72499 B/op 2379 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnmarshal/gocsv.Unmarshal/1000_records-8 500 2264064 ns/op 650135 B/op 23082 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnmarshal/gocsv.Unmarshal/10000_records-8 50 24189980 ns/op 7023592 B/op 230091 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnmarshal/gocsv.Unmarshal/100000_records-8 5 264797120 ns/op 75483184 B/op 2300104 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnmarshal/easycsv.ReadAll/1_record-8 100000 13287 ns/op 8855 B/op 81 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnmarshal/easycsv.ReadAll/10_records-8 20000 66767 ns/op 24072 B/op 391 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnmarshal/easycsv.ReadAll/100_records-8 3000 586222 ns/op 170537 B/op 3454 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnmarshal/easycsv.ReadAll/1000_records-8 300 5630293 ns/op 1595662 B/op 34057 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnmarshal/easycsv.ReadAll/10000_records-8 20 60513920 ns/op 18870410 B/op 340068 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnmarshal/easycsv.ReadAll/100000_records-8 2 623618489 ns/op 190822456 B/op 3400084 allocs/op
benchmark code: https://gist.github.com/jszwec/31980321e1852ebb5615a44ccf374f17
BenchmarkMarshal/csvutil.Marshal/1_record-8 300000 5501 ns/op 6336 B/op 26 allocs/op
BenchmarkMarshal/csvutil.Marshal/10_records-8 100000 20647 ns/op 7248 B/op 36 allocs/op
BenchmarkMarshal/csvutil.Marshal/100_records-8 10000 174656 ns/op 24656 B/op 127 allocs/op
BenchmarkMarshal/csvutil.Marshal/1000_records-8 1000 1697202 ns/op 164961 B/op 1029 allocs/op
BenchmarkMarshal/csvutil.Marshal/10000_records-8 100 16995940 ns/op 1522412 B/op 10032 allocs/op
BenchmarkMarshal/csvutil.Marshal/100000_records-8 10 172411108 ns/op 22363382 B/op 100036 allocs/op
BenchmarkMarshal/gocsv.Marshal/1_record-8 200000 7202 ns/op 5922 B/op 83 allocs/op
BenchmarkMarshal/gocsv.Marshal/10_records-8 50000 31821 ns/op 9427 B/op 390 allocs/op
BenchmarkMarshal/gocsv.Marshal/100_records-8 5000 285885 ns/op 52773 B/op 3451 allocs/op
BenchmarkMarshal/gocsv.Marshal/1000_records-8 500 2806405 ns/op 452517 B/op 34053 allocs/op
BenchmarkMarshal/gocsv.Marshal/10000_records-8 50 28682052 ns/op 4412157 B/op 340065 allocs/op
BenchmarkMarshal/gocsv.Marshal/100000_records-8 5 286836492 ns/op 51969227 B/op 3400083 allocs/op