BIND_ADDR | localhost:25700 | The host and port to bind to (The http:// scheme prefix is added programmatically) |
DEFAULT_LIMIT | 20 | The default number of items to be returned from a list endpoint |
DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_LIMIT | 1000 | The maximum number of items to be returned in any list endpoint (to prevent performance issues) |
DEFAULT_OFFSET | 0 | The number of items into the full list (i.e. the 0-based index) that a particular response is starting at |
GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT | 20s | The graceful shutdown timeout in seconds (time.Duration format) |
HEALTHCHECK_CRITICAL_TIMEOUT | 90s | Time to wait until an unhealthy dependent propagates its state to make this app unhealthy (time.Duration format) |
HEALTHCHECK_INTERVAL | 30s | Time between self-healthchecks (time.Duration format) |
KAFKA_ADDR | localhost:39092 | The kafka broker addresses (can be comma separated) |
KAFKA_REINDEX_REQUESTED_TOPIC | reindex-requested | The name of the topic to produce messages for |
KAFKA_SEC_CA_CERTS | unset | CA cert chain for the server cert [1] |
KAFKA_SEC_CLIENT_CERT | unset | PEM for the client certificate [1] |
KAFKA_SEC_CLIENT_KEY | unset | PEM for the client key [1] |
KAFKA_SEC_PROTO | unset | if set to TLS , kafka connections will use TLS [1] |
KAFKA_SEC_SKIP_VERIFY | false | ignores server certificate issues if true [1] |
KAFKA_VERSION | 1.0.2 | The kafka version that this service expects to connect to |
LATEST_VERSION | v1 | The latest version of the Search Reindex API |
MAX_REINDEX_JOB_RUNTIME | 3600s | The maximum amount of time that a reindex job is allowed to run before another reindex job can be started |
MONGODB_BIND_ADDR | localhost:27017 | The MongoDB bind address (aka the cluster endpoint) |
MONGODB_CERT_CHAIN | unset | CA cert chain for the server cert |
MONGODB_COLLECTIONS | JobsCollection: "jobs", LocksCollection: "jobs_locks", TasksCollection: "tasks" | The MongoDB collections |
MONGODB_CONNECT_TIMEOUT | 5s | The timeout when connecting to MongoDB (time.Duration format) |
MONGODB_DATABASE | search | The MongoDB search database |
MONGODB_ENABLE_READ_CONCERN | false | Switch to use (or not) majority read concern |
MONGODB_ENABLE_WRITE_CONCERN | true | Switch to use (or not) majority write concern |
MONGODB_IS_SSL | false | Switch to use (or not) TLS when connecting to mongodb |
MONGODB_PASSWORD | unset | The MongoDB Password |
MONGODB_QUERY_TIMEOUT | 15s | The timeout for querying MongoDB (time.Duration format) |
MONGODB_REPLICA_SET | unset | The name of the MongoDB replica set |
MONGODB_USERNAME | unset | The MongoDB Username |
MONGODB_VERIFY_CERT | false | Switch for whether the Mongo server certificate is to be validated or not (a major security breach not doing so) |
SEARCH_API_URL | http://localhost:23900 | The URL to the Search API (for creating new ElasticSearch indexes) |
SERVICE_AUTH_TOKEN | unset | This is required to identify the Search Reindex API when it calls the Search API POST /search endpoint |
TASK_NAME_VALUES | dataset-api,zebedee | The list of permissible values that can be used for the task_name when creating a new task for a reindex job |
ZEBEDEE_URL | http://localhost:8082 | The URL to Zebedee (for authorisation) |