Tool to convert geo sqlite files into KML / CSV files for plotting coordinates on a map.
$ ./geo-sqlite-dumper -h
geo-sqlite-dumper - Tool to view the contents of a geo sqlite file (
Apache 2.0 license, provided AS-IS -- not responsible for loss.
Usage implies agreement. Version: 0.1.20220907.1055
Usage: ../geo-sqlite-dumper [options...] [files...]
--debug Verbose output
-e, --event-time TIME Event qualifier, time between events to split on (Default: 2h0m0s)
--force Ignore file/read errors and continue building output
--list FILE File with list of files to process, one line per file (Default: "")
-q, --query SQL Custom query for SQLite (Default: "")
-E, --show-event-lines Show event lines for a series of points within event-time
--timeout TIME Busy timeout for SQLite calls (Default: 10s)
KML options:
--kml FILENAME Export to KML file (Default: "")
-N, --name TEXT Name to use for base KML folder (Default: "geo-sqlite-dumper")
CSV options:
--csv FILENAME Export to CSV file (Default: "")
--delimiter DELIM Delimiter for CSV output (Default: ",")
--escape-ascii T/F Escape non-ascii characters, useful for using tools that are not
ascii safe/sanitizing special characters (Default: false)
XLSX options:
--sheet NAME Sheet name to use in export (Default: "geo-sqlite-dumper")
--xlsx_file FILENAME Export to XLSX file (Default: "")
Export to kml file:
$ geo-sqlite-dumper --kml sample.kml sample.sqlite
Export to csv file:
$ geo-sqlite-dumper --csv sample.csv sample.sqlite
Export to kml and csv file:
$ geo-sqlite-dumper --kml sample.kml --csv sample.csv sample.sqlite
More than one file can be specified at one time like this (all the data will be placed in one output file):
$ geo-sqlite-dumper --kml sample.kml sample.sqlite another_file.sqlite