Linear Discriminant Analysis in Go
Linear Discriminant Analysis is a powerful and commonly used dimensionality reduction and classification technique used in statistics
and machine learning. It extracts components from an input dataset in a way that maximizes class separability
while minimizing the variance within each class. A key assumption here is that the dataset needs to be
normally distributed. In the world of machine learning, LDA can be used as a classifier algorithm, which this
library also provides.
Getting Started
Import ""
The library contains a predefined struct LD
that can be used to access LDA methods.
Important note about input data: LDA is a supervised learning technique so all training data needs to be labeled.
First step
The first step would be to make a variable of type LD
and call LinearDiscriminant
by passing in a matrix of input data and an array of labels that correspond to the data. If that call is successful, then you can use other LDA methods, such as Transform
and Predict
Example: Iris dataset
// Load your data
// See lda_test.go for an example of loading and pre-processing data
// Create a matrix and fill it with iris data
dataMatrix := mat.NewDense(numberOfRows, numberofColumns, yourDataset)
// Create an array ([]int) of labels for your dataset
var labels []int
for yourLabel := range labelsFromYourDataset {
labels = append(labels, yourLabel)
// Instantiate an LD object and call LinearDiscriminant to fit the model and check if input data follows preconditions in the process
var ld LDA.LD
err := ld.LinearDiscriminant(dataMatrix, labels)
if err == nil {
// If the call is successful, you can now use other methods
numDimensions := 2 // number of dimensions to reduce to
result := ld.Transform(dataMatrix, numDimensions)
// We can graph the result of the transformation on an XY plane
PlotLDA(result, labels, "LDA Plot.png")
// We can use the result of the transformation to classify test data
// *See section on method Predict below*
} else {
// handle error
Using LDA as a classifier with Predict
Method Predict
takes in a set of data and returns a number (Int), a prediction for what class the set of data would be in. Below is an example of a test that checks if Predict is classifying data correctly.
Example: Iris test data
(See lda_test.go for the complete implementation of this example)
// Create test cases with test data and corresponding labels (classes that you expect the data points to be in)
// Call LinearDiscriminant with the test data and the labels as arguments
// Call Transform
result := ld.Transform(, numDims)
r, _ := test.testPredict.Dims()
for k := 0; k < r; k++ {
c, _ := ld.Predict(test.testPredict.RawRowView(k))
if c != test.wantClass[k] {
t.Errorf("unexpected prediction result %v got:%v, want:%v", k, c, test.wantClass[k])
values := make([]string, ld.p)
for j := 0; j < ld.n; j++ {
row := result.RawRowView(j)
for k := 0; k < numDims; k++ {
values[k] = fmt.Sprintf("%.4f", row[k])
We provide a sample test file that tests both the dimensionality reduction and the classification features of the algorithm. The test uses the famous Iris dataset, which can be found here:
Credits and Acknowledgements
The implementation of the LDA algorithm is based on a Java version provided by
Additional resources used:
Created by Andrei Kozyrev (@akozyrev) with the help of Tim Judkins (@b0tn3rd) and Eleanor Nuechterlein (@Eleanor2). Open sourced by Radius Networks.
Contributing and License
LDA-go is Apache-2.0 licensed. Contributions are welcome.