Fingerprint Microservice
REST-powered microservice for analyzing media and returning feature-based information.
The repository also contains a client to perform requests to the service.
It is important to notice that this service provides no support for authentication or caching. It is also completely stateless, making it ideal to be used in the backend. A possible "frontend" implementation can be found in Analysis API.
- Image endpoint:
- Video endpoint:
- Health check:
Returned data
The data returned by the server is in the form:
type Analysis struct {
Fingerprint FingerprintResponse
FingerprintErrorString string
NSFWErrorString string
The client trims off the unnecessary data and returns:
type FingerprintResponse struct {
PHash string
Histogram []float64
Environment options
- Service bind address and port:
(defaults to localhost:10000
). - Max size for image files:
(defaults to 10 << 20
, 10 MB). - Max size for video files:
(defaults to 20 << 20
, 20 MB).