tomato-clock 🍅
The Pomodoro Technique is a time management system that encourages people to work with the time they have—rather than against it. Using this method, you break your workday into 25-minute chunks separated by five-minute breaks. These intervals are referred to as pomodoros. After about four pomodoros, you take a longer break of about 15 to 20 minutes.
This is a project to learn Golang for me. The project is inspired by 'Focus To-Do' application that I am using.
Use the following command to start a 5 seconds tomato clock to do the task named "learngo", and set break time 2 seconds after the tomato clock, which is just to make Gif easier.
tomato-clock -d 5s -bt 2s -t learngo
The feature set is based on antonmedv/countdown and inspired by the mum4k/termdash project.
tomato-clock is a simple terminal based app.I only successfully test it on macOS platform. It maybe has bug on windows platform.
go get -u
Use tomato-clock
command if you add GOPATH/bin/
to your PATH.
$ tomato-clock -help
Usage of tomato-clock:
-bt duration
break time duration (default 5m0s)
show report form, metrics and linechart
-d duration
tomato clock duration (default 25m0s)
-endtask string
mark a task finished
-t string
task name (default "Unnamed")
If not, you can go to your pkg directory, then
go run main.go -d 25m -bt 5m -t learngo
For example:
Starts a 25 minutes tomato clock.
tomato-clock -d 25m
Starts a 45 minutes tomato clock to do the task named "learngo", and set break time 10 minutes after the tomato clock.
tomato-clock -d 45m -bt 10m -t learngo
Marks the task "learngo" finished.
tomato-clock -endtask learngo
Shows the tomato report, include metrics and linechart.
tomato-clock -chart
Key binding
or P
: To pause the tomato-clock countdown.c
or C
: To resume the tomato-clock countdown.Esc
or Ctrl+C
: To quit the tomato-clock when counting down or showing chart.