Temporal Go SDK
Temporal is a distributed, scalable, durable, and highly available orchestration engine used to execute asynchronous long-running business logic in a scalable and resilient way.
"Temporal Go SDK" is the framework for authoring workflows and activities using Go language.
How to use
Clone this repo into the preferred location.
git clone git@github.com:temporalio/go-sdk.git
go get -u go.temporal.io/sdk
See samples to get started.
Documentation is available here.
You can also find the API documentation here.
Using a custom logger
Although the Go SDK does not support most third-party logging solutions natively, our friends at Banzai Cloud built the adapter package logur which makes it possible to use third party loggers with minimal overhead. Here is an example of using logur to support Logrus:
package main
import (
logrusadapter "logur.dev/adapter/logrus"
func main() {
logger := logur.LoggerToKV(logrusadapter.New(logrus.New()))
Most of the popular logging solutions have existing adapters in logur. If you're curious about which adapters are available, here is a helpful link: https://github.com/logur?q=adapter-&type=&language=
We'd love your help in making the Temporal Go SDK great. Please review our contribution guidelines.
MIT License, please see LICENSE for details.