Go package to print nicely aligned tables in the terminal.

Import at zgo.at/acidtab
. Godoc: https://godocs.io/zgo.at/acidtab
You can view all these examples in your terminal with go test -v
Basic usage
t := acidtab.New("Name", "Origin", "Job", "Speciality", "Alive")
t.Row("James Holden", "Montana", "Captain", "Tilting windmills", true)
t.Row("Amos Burton", "Baltimore", "Mechanic", "Specific people skills", true)
Name │ Origin │ Job │ Speciality │ Alive
James Holden │ Montana │ Captain │ Tilting windmills │ true
Amos Burton │ Baltimore │ Mechanic │ Specific people skills │ true
Note: because GitHub adds a line-height there are little gaps between the
vertical dividers. You don't have this in a terminal.
There are a bunch of options you can set:
t := acidtab.New("Name", "Origin", "Job", "Speciality", "Alive")
t.Pad(" ")
t.Prefix(" ")
t.Close(acidtab.CloseTop | acidtab.CloseBottom)
t.Row("Naomi Nagata", "Pallas", "Mechanic", "Spicy red food", true)
t.Row("Alex Kamal", "Mars", "Pilot", "Cowboys", false)
Naomi Nagata ┃ Pallas ┃ Mechanic ┃ Spicy red food ┃ true
Alex Kamal ┃ Mars ┃ Pilot ┃ Cowboys ┃ false
The default for Pad()
is two spaces.
The default for Prefix()
is an empty string.
and acidtab.CloseRightcan be used to add borders to the left and right too, or
acidtab.CloseAll` to add borders to all sides.
The default for Borders
is acidtab.BordersHeavy
; also see the other
variables, and you can define you own. Note you need to define
all used characters, otherwise it will print the zero value (a NULL byte).
Column options
You can set options for columns:
t := acidtab.New("Name", "Origin", "Job", "Speciality", "Alive")
t.Close(acidtab.CloseLeft | acidtab.CloseRight)
t.AlignCol(3, acidtab.Right)
t.AlignCol(4, acidtab.Center)
t.FormatCol(3, "%q")
t.FormatColFunc(4, func(v interface{}) string {
if b, ok := v.(bool); ok {
return map[bool]string{true: "yes", false: "no"}[b]
return "\x00"
t.Row("Joe Miller", "Ceres", "Cop", "Doors 'n corners", false)
t.Row("Chrisjen Avasarala", "Earth", "Politician", "Insults", true)
│ Name │ Origin │ Job │ Speciality │ Alive │
│ Joe Miller │ Ceres │ Cop │ "Doors 'n corners" │ no │
│ Chrisjen Avasarala │ Earth │ Politician │ "Insults" │ yes │
sets the column alignment; the default is Auto
, which
right-aligns numbers (int, float) and left-aligns everything else.
sets how the value is printed with fmt.Sprintf
. The default if
sets a callback to print the value instead, in this case to
show something nicer than "true" or "false". Return a NULL byte to fall back
to fmt.Sprintf
can be used to print numbers with thousands separators
(only ,
at the moment, not locale-aware). e.g. FormatColFunc(1, acidtab.FormatAsNum())
The column indexes start at zero. Note these are not checked: if you defined
fewer headers then you will get a panic.
Vertical table
You can print a "vertical" table with Vertical()
t := acidtab.New("Name", "Origin", "Job", "Speciality", "Alive")
t.Row("Prax Meng", "Ganymede", "Botanist", "Plant metaphors", true)
t.Row("Klaes Ashford", "The belt", "Pirate", "Singing", "😢")
Name │ Prax Meng
Origin │ Ganymede
Job │ Botanist
Speciality │ Plant metaphors
Alive │ true
Name │ Klaes Ashford
Origin │ The belt
Job │ Pirate
Speciality │ Singing
Alive │ 😢
Most options for horizontal tables work for this as well, but disabling the
header has no effect (it would be a bit pointless) and data is always
All options can be chained:
acidtab.New("Name", "Origin", "Job", "Speciality", "Alive").
Prefix(" ").
Pad(" ").
FormatCol(1, "%q").
"Adolphus Murtry", "Earth", "Security", "General twattery", false,
"Fred Johnson", "Earth", "Colonol", "Beltalowda", false,
Name │ Adolphus Murtry
Origin │ "Earth"
Job │ Security
Speciality │ General twattery
Alive │ false
Name │ Fred Johnson
Origin │ "Earth"
Job │ Colonol
Speciality │ Beltalowda
Alive │ false
It's identical to the above examples; you don't need the return value. It's just
a bit more convenient in some cases.
Also note the usage of Rows()
to add multiple rows in the above example.
You can use plain ol' escape sequences to format stuff. This won't interfere
with alignment:
t := acidtab.New(bold("Name"), bold("Origin"), bold("Job"), bold("Speciality"), bold("Alive")).
AlignCol(4, acidtab.Center).
FormatColFunc(4, func(v interface{}) string {
if b, ok := v.(bool); ok {
return map[bool]string{
true: "\x1b[32m ✔ \x1b[0m",
false: "\x1b[31m✘\x1b[0m",
return "\x00"
"James Holden", "Montana 🌎", "Captain 🚀", "Tilting windmills", true,
"Amos Burton", "Baltimore 🌎", "Mechanic 🔧", "Specific people skills", true,
"Naomi Nagata", "Pallas 🌌", "Mechanic 💻", "Spicy red food", true,
"Alex Kamal", "Mars 🔴", "Pilot 🎧", "Cowboys", false,
"Joe Miller", "Ceres 🌌", "Cop 👮", "Doors 'n corners", true,
"Chrisjen Avasarala", "Earth 🌏", "Politician 🖕", "Insults", true,
"Prax Meng", "Ganymede 🌌", "Botanist 🌻", "Plant metaphors", true,
"Klaes Ashford", "The belt 🌌", "Pirate 🕱", "Singing", "😢",
"Adolphus Murtry", "Earth 🌎", "Security 💂", "General twattery", false,
"Fred Johnson", "Earth 🌎", "Colonol 🎖", "Beltalowda", false)
Outputs (as screenshot as I can't get GitHub to render this correct):

Note that everything is aligned correctly, even though there are escape
sequences, multi-codepoint emojis, and double-width emojis. As long as the
terminal renders this type of thing correctly this should work for most of
Unicode (including east-Asian characters). Unfortunately, many terminals render
things like emojis inconsistently, so it's probably best to avoid them (but it
looks cute in the demo).