JSR 356: Java API for WebSocket
Spring WebSocket
Starter for building WebSocket applications using Spring Framework's MVC WebSocket support
Core Tomcat implementation
JSR 356: Java API for WebSocket
Apache Johnzon is an implementation of JSR-353 (JavaTM API for JSON Processing).
A barebones WebSocket client and server implementation written 100% in Java
WebSocket API
The Eclipse Jetty Project
The Eclipse Jetty Project
The Eclipse Jetty Project
The Eclipse Jetty Project
The Eclipse Jetty Project
Tomcat WebSocket implementation
The Eclipse Jetty Project
The Eclipse Jetty Project
Administrative parent pom for Jetty modules
The Eclipse Jetty Project
Provides the common code needed for the different integrations with web container's WebSocket implementations
The Eclipse Jetty Project
Legacy artifact, use quarkus-websockets instead
Ktor is a framework for quickly creating web applications in Kotlin with minimal effort.
The Eclipse Jetty Project
The Eclipse Jetty Project
WebSocket communication channel support
Ktor is a framework for quickly creating web applications in Kotlin with minimal effort.
The Eclipse Jetty Project
Provides the common code needed for the different integrations with web container's WebSocket implementations
The Eclipse Jetty Project
The Eclipse Jetty Project
Ktor is a framework for quickly creating web applications in Kotlin with minimal effort.
The Eclipse Jetty Project
Build parent to bring in required dependencies
The Eclipse Jetty Project
Tomcat WebSocket (JSR356) implementation
Java.net - The Source for Java Technology Collaboration
The Eclipse Jetty Project
Ktor is a framework for quickly creating web applications in Kotlin with minimal effort.
Build parent to bring in required dependencies
The Eclipse Jetty Project
Spring Integration WebSockets Support
WebSocket client implementation in Java.
tio-zoo's parent
The Eclipse Jetty Project
nanohttpd-websocket is a very low profile websocket server based on nanohttpd.
Client for WebSocket communication channel
Asynchronous socket, http(s) (client+server) and websocket library for android. Based on nio, not threads.
Build parent to bring in required dependencies