Floating Action Button Library for Android
Floating Action Button for Android API 4+ based on Material Design specification
WebJar for datatables.net-buttons
Toggle button with different jelly effects.
Material spinning favorite/star button
WebJar for paper-toggle-button
WebJar for datatables.net-buttons
This Mapacho is a Web Start framework to deploy desktop java applications and sleep well. If you were googling Mapacho as in the peruvian cigars or the spirit of the tobacco plant, you can click the back button on your browser and try another website.
WebJar for paper-menu-button
WebJar for paper-menu-button
A simple Floating Action Button that shows an anchored Navigation View
Floating Action Button
WebJar for vaadin-button
Android library providing an implementation of the Material Design Floating Action Button Speed Dial pattern.
WebJar for paper-radio-button
WebJar for datatables.net-buttons
Button components with Vitamin design
WebJar for @polymer/paper-menu-button
WebJar for paper-toggle-button
Compose Multiplatform Kotlin/JS wrappers for @material/icon-button
Compose Multiplatform Kotlin/JS wrappers for @material/button
Compose Multiplatform Kotlin/JS wrappers for @material/button
Morphing Android menu, back, dismiss and check buttons
A customisable toggle button group for Android
WebJar for paper-icon-button
Add a circular progress bar to any existing fab. Idea was to not create custom floating action button, but help to integrate existing circular progress with existing floating action button like described in material design guideline.
Android Library for an expandable button menu
A notification badge with animation.
WebJar for vaadin-button
RadioButton components with Vitamin design
WebJar for paper-radio-button
WebJar for vaadin-radio-button
WebJar for @vaadin/vaadin-button
Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on https://oss.sonatype.org/
WebJar for @polymer/paper-icon-button
WebJar for @polymer/paper-button
'RichButtons' is a set of button styles for Android applications.
WebJar for datatables-buttons
WebJar for datatables-buttons
WebJar for datatables-buttons
WebJar for d2l-button
Add a Sign In button for Sign In With Apple
WebJar for vue-github-buttons
A toolbar menu extension for the Floating Action Button
A button that helps with showing progress
A button that helps with showing progress
Connect API integration for Connect Button and Connect Location.
WebJar for add-to-calendar-button
Vaadin Button Testbench API