WebJar for angular-drag-and-drop-lists
WebJar for angular-drag-and-drop-lists
A calendar panel which allows to add items from a list using drag and drop. The calendar can also be used without this functionality. This is the parent for the actual project and the examples. See the child project "ddcalendar" for a more complete description.
Kotlin Android library that extends RecyclerView to support gestures like drag, drop and swipe, among others. It works with vertical, horizontal and grid lists.
WebJar for angular-drag-and-drop-lists
WebJar for angular-drag-and-drop-lists
Drag and drop to re-order items in a list, grid or board.
A calendar panel which allows to add items from a list using drag and drop. The calendar can also be used without this functionality. This is the parent for the actual project and the examples. See the child project "ddcalendar" for a more complete description.
A calendar panel which allows to add items from a list using drag and drop. The calendar can also be used without this functionality. This is the parent for the actual project and the examples. See the child project "ddcalendar" for a more complete description.
Drag and drop to re-order items in a list, grid or board.
DragSortListView (DSLV) is an extension of the Android ListView that enables drag-and-drop reordering of list items.