A modified version of the Apache Maven PDF Plugin
Primary deltas
- Allows for custom headers and footers
- Headers/footers are centered on page
- Seperate headers on the title pages
- Adjustable, Multi-level Table of Contents (generated from your docs)
- EXSUM, rendered before the TOC
- Project logo is front and centered and is stretched to full width if possible
- Title page has several new fields that can be populated
- Date
- Distribution statement
- Overridable stylesheet so you can customize the output on a per project/per pdf basis
- Table rendering supports alternate background colors per row
This repo contains the source for several doxia modules and for the original maven-pdf-plugin
ASF 2.0 licensed
<maven.build.timestamp.format>yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm</maven.build.timestamp.format>
<titleHeader>A custom header only on the title pages</titleHeader>
<distributionStatement>DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT: Feel free to give this document to anyone you will take it.</distributionStatement>
<pdfFooter>Some contet
Second line content
Third line content
Version ${project.version}
<pdfHeader>Some contet
Second line content
Third line content
Version ${project.version}