DSBridge for Android

Modern cross-platform JavaScript bridge, through which you can invoke each other's functions synchronously or asynchronously between JavaScript and native applications.
Chinese documentation 中文文档
Tencent x5 webcore support
DSBridge v3.0 is a milestone version. Compared with v2.0, we have made a lot of changes. Note that v3.0 is incompatible with v2.0, but v2.0 will continue to maintain. If you are a new user, use >=v3.0.
DSBridge v3.0.0 change list
- The three ends of Android, IOS and Javascript are easy to use, light and powerful, secure and strong
- Both synchronous and asynchronous calls are supported
- Support API Object, which centrally implements APIs in a Java Class or a Javascript object
- Support API namespace
- Support debug mode
- Support the test of whether API exists
- Support Progress Callback: one call, multiple returns
- Support event listener for Javascript to close the page
- Support Modal and Modeless popup box for javascript
- Support the X5 webcore of Tencent
Add the JitPack repository to your build file
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Add the dependency
dependencies {
//compile 'com.github.wendux:DSBridge-Android:3.0-SNAPSHOT'
//support the x5 browser core of Tencent
//compile 'com.github.wendux:DSBridge-Android:x5-3.0-SNAPSHOT'
See the wendu.jsbdemo/
package. run the app
project and to see it in action.
To use dsBridge in your own project:
Implement APIs in a Java class
public class JsApi{
public String testSyn(Object msg) {
return msg + "[syn call]";
public void testAsyn(Object msg, CompletionHandler handler) {
handler.complete(msg+" [ asyn call]");
For security reason, Java APIs must be with "@JavascriptInterface" annotation .
Add API object to DWebView .
import wendu.dsbridge.DWebView
DWebView dwebView= (DWebView) findViewById(R.id.dwebview);
dwebView.addJavascriptObject(new JsApi(), null);
Call Native (Java/Object-c/swift) API in Javascript, and register javascript API.
Init dsBridge
var dsBridge=require("dsbridge")
Call Native API and register a javascript API for Native invocation.
var str=dsBridge.call("testSyn","testSyn");
dsBridge.call("testAsyn","testAsyn", function (v) {
return l+r;
Call Javascript API in java
dwebView.callHandler("addValue",new Object[]{3,4},new OnReturnValue<Integer>(){
public void onValue(Integer retValue) {
Log.d("jsbridge","call succeed,return value is "+retValue);
Java API signature
In order to be compatible with IOS , we make the following convention on Java API signature:
For synchronous API.
public any handler(Object msg)
The argument type must be Object and must be declared even if not need),and the type of return value is not limited.
For asynchronous API.
public void handler(Object arg, CompletionHandler handler)
Namespaces can help you better manage your APIs, which is very useful in hybrid applications, because these applications have a large number of APIs. DSBridge (>= v3.0.0) allows you to classify API with namespace. And the namespace can be multilevel, between different levels with '.' division.
Debug mode
In debug mode, some errors will be prompted by a popup dialog , and the exception caused by the native APIs will not be captured to expose problems. We recommend that the debug mode be opened at the development stage. You can open debug mode :
Progress Callback
Normally, when a API is called to end, it returns a result, which corresponds one by one. But sometimes a call need to repeatedly return multipule times, Suppose that on the Native side, there is a API to download the file, in the process of downloading, it will send the progress information to Javascript many times, then Javascript will display the progress information on the H5 page. Oh...You will find it is difficult to achieve this function. Fortunately, DSBridge supports Progress Callback. You can be very simple and convenient to implement a call that needs to be returned many times. Here's an example of a countdown:
In Java
public void callProgress(Object args, final CompletionHandler<Integer> handler) {
new CountDownTimer(11000, 1000) {
int i=10;
public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
public void onFinish() {
In Javascript
dsBridge.call("callProgress", function (value) {
document.getElementById("progress").innerText = value
For the complete sample code, please refer to the demo project.
For Javascript popup box functions (alert/confirm/prompt), DSBridge has implemented them all by default, if you want to custom them, override the corresponding callback in WebChromeClient . The default dialog box implemented by DSBridge is modal. This will block the UI thread. If you need modeless, please refer to dwebview.disableJavascriptDialogBlock (bool disable)
Before Android 4.2 (API 17), webview.addJavascriptInterface
has security vulnerabilities, and DSBridge doesn't use it under 4.2 of the devices. Meanwhile, in order to prevent Javascript from calling unauthorized native functions, all Java APIs must be annotated with "@JavascriptInterface" , so you can use DSBridge safely.
In DWebview, the following functions will execute in main thread automatically, you need not to switch thread by yourself.
void loadUrl( String url)
void loadUrl(final String url, Map<String, String> additionalHttpHeaders)
void evaluateJavascript(String script)
API Reference
Java API
In Java, the object that implements the javascript interfaces is called Java API object.
dwebview.addJavascriptObject(Object object, String namespace)
Add the Java API object with supplied namespace into DWebView. The javascript can then call Java APIs with bridge.call("namespace.api",...)
If the namespace is empty, the Java API object have no namespace. The javascript can call Java APIs with bridge.call("api",...)
In Java
public class JsEchoApi {
public Object syn(Object args) throws JSONException {
return args;
public void asyn(Object args,CompletionHandler handler){
dwebView.addJavascriptObject(new JsEchoApi(),"echo");
In Javascript
var ret=dsBridge.call("echo.syn",{msg:" I am echoSyn call", tag:1})
dsBridge.call("echo.asyn",{msg:" I am echoAsyn call",tag:2},function (ret) {
dwebview.removeJavascriptObject(String namespace)
Remove the Java API object with supplied namespace.
dwebview.callHandler(String handlerName, Object[] args)
dwebview.callHandler(String handlerName, OnReturnValue handler)
dwebview.callHandler(String handlerName, Object[] args,OnReturnValue handler)
Call the javascript API. If a handler
is given, the javascript handler can respond. the handlerName
can contain the namespace. The handler will be called in main thread.
dWebView.callHandler("append",new Object[]{"I","love","you"},new OnReturnValue<String>((){
public void onValue(String retValue) {
Log.d("jsbridge","call succeed, append string is: "+retValue);
dWebView.callHandler("syn.getInfo", new OnReturnValue<JSONObject>() {
public void onValue(JSONObject retValue) {
dwebview.disableJavascriptDialogBlock(bool disable)
BE CAREFUL to use. if you call any of the javascript popup box functions (alert
, confirm
, and prompt
), the app will hang, and the javascript execution flow will be blocked. if you don't want to block the javascript execution flow, call this method, the popup box functions will return immediately( confirm
return true
, and the prompt
return empty string).
if you want to enable the block, just calling this method with the argument value false
dwebview.setJavascriptCloseWindowListener(JavascriptCloseWindowListener listener)
DWebView calls listener.onClose
when Javascript calls window.close
. the default handler is closing the current active activity. you can provide a listener to add your hanlder .
dwebview.setJavascriptCloseWindowListener(new DWebView.JavascriptCloseWindowListener() {
public boolean onClose() {
Log.d("jsbridge","window.close is called in Javascript");
return false;
dwebview.hasJavascriptMethod(String handlerName, OnReturnValue<Boolean> existCallback)
Test whether the handler exist in javascript.
dWebView.hasJavascriptMethod("addValue", new OnReturnValue<Boolean>() {
public void onValue(Boolean retValue) {
DWebView.setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled(boolean enabled)
Set debug mode. if in debug mode, some errors will be prompted by a popup dialog , and the exception caused by the native APIs will not be captured to expose problems. We recommend that the debug mode be opened at the development stage.
Javascript API
"dsBridge" is accessed after dsBridge Initialization .
Call Java api synchronously and asynchronously。
: Java API name, can contain the namespace。
: argument, Only one allowed, if you expect multiple parameters, you can pass them with a json object.
callback(String returnValue)
: callback to handle the result. only asynchronous invocation required.
Register javascript synchronous and asynchronous API for Native invocation. There are two types of invocation
Just register a method. For example:
In Javascript
return l+r;
responseCallback(arg1+" "+arg2+" "+arg3);
In Java
webView.callHandler("addValue",new Object[]{1,6},new OnReturnValue(){
public void onValue(String retValue) {
Log.d("jsbridge","call succeed,return value is: "+retValue);
webView.callHandler("append",new Object[]{"I","love","you"},new OnReturnValue(){
public void onValue(String retValue) {
Log.d("jsbridge","call succeed, append string is: "+retValue);
Register a Javascript API object with supplied namespace. For example:
In Javascript
return this.tag+"1"
return this.tag+"2"
return responseCallback(this.tag+"1")
return responseCallback(this.tag+"2")
Because JavaScript does not support function overloading, it is not possible to define asynchronous function and sync function of the same name。
In Java
webView.callHandler("test.test1",new OnReturnValue<String>(){
public void onValue(String retValue) {
Log.d("jsbridge","Namespace test.test1: "+retValue);
webView.callHandler("test1.test1",new OnReturnValue<String>(){
public void onValue(String retValue) {
Log.d("jsbridge","Namespace test.test1: "+retValue);
Test whether the handler exist in Java, the handlerName
can contain the namespace.
: optional["all"|"syn"|"asyn" ]
, default is "all".
Calling dsBridge.disableJavascriptDialogBlock(...)
has the same effect as calling dwebview.disableJavascriptDialogBlock(...)
in Java.
Work with fly.js
As we all know, In browser, AJax request are restricted by same-origin policy, so the request cannot be initiated across the domain. However, Fly.js supports forwarding the http request to Native through any Javascript bridge, And fly.js has already provide the dsBridge adapter.Because the Native side has no the same-origin policy restriction, fly.js can request any resource from any domain.
Another typical scene is in the hybrid App, Fly.js will forward all requests to Native, then, the unified request management, cookie management, certificate verification, request filtering and so on are carried out on Native.
For the complete sample code, please refer to the demo project.
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