assertk is a fluent assertion library for Kotlin inspired by AssertJ.
Why another assertion library?
You might be asking, "If AssertJ already exists, why create another library?". It's true, assertk is very similar to
AssertJ. But assertk is written in Kotlin so it has one major advantage: extension methods. This makes adding your own
assertion methods far simpler.
See Custom Assertions below to find out how to do this.
repositories {
dependencies {
assertk has full multiplatform support and it can be used in jvm, js, or native projects. For example to set it up using
the multiplatform plugin:
plugins {
kotlin {
sourceSets {
val commonTest by getting {
dependencies {
Simple usage is to wrap the value or property you are testing in assertThat()
and call assertion methods on the
import assertk.assertThat
import assertk.assertions.*
class PersonTest {
val person = Person(name = "Bob", age = 18)
fun testName() {
fun testAge() {
assertThat(person.age, "age").isGreaterThan(20)
fun testNameProperty() {
You can see all built-in assertions in
the docs.
Since null is a first-class concept in kotlin's type system, you need to be explicit in your assertions.
val nullString: String? = null
will not compile, since hasLength()
only makes sense on non-null values. You can chain isNotNull()
to handle this.
val nullString: String? = null
This will first ensure the string is not null before running any other checks.
Multiple assertions
You can assert multiple things on a single value by providing a lambda as the second argument. All assertions will be
run even if the first one fails.
val string = "Test"
assertThat(string).all {
You can wrap multiple assertions in an assertAll
to ensure all of them get run, not just the first one.
assertAll {
Iterable/List Assertions
You can assert on the contents of an Iterable/List
with the various contains*
functions. They have different
semantics as follows:
Assertion | Description |
containsAtLeast | Asserts the iterable contains at least the expected elements, in any order. The collection may also contain additional elements. |
containsSubList | Asserts that a collection contains a subset of items the same order, but may have additional elements in the list. |
containsOnly | Asserts the iterable contains only the expected elements, in any order. Duplicate values in the expected and actual are ignored. |
containsExactlyInAnyOrder | Asserts the iterable contains exactly the expected elements, in any order. Each value in expected must correspond to a matching value in actual, and visa-versa. |
containsExactly | Asserts the list contains exactly the expected elements. They must be in the same order and there must not be any extra elements. |
containsNone | Asserts the iterable does not contain any of the expected elements |
There's a few ways you extract the data you want to assert on. While you can do this yourself before calling the
assertion, these methods will add the extra context to the failure message which can be helpful.
The simplest way is with prop()
. It will take a property (or function, or a name and a lambda) and return an
assertion on that property.
val person = Person(age = 22)
For collections, you can use index()
to pull a specific index from a list, and key()
to pull a specific value from
a map.
assertThat(listOf(1, 2, 3)).index(1).isEqualTo(1)
assertThat(mapOf("one" to 1, "two" to 2, "three" to 3)).key("two").isEqualTo(1)
You can also extract a property from a collection using extracting()
val people = listOf(Person(name = "Sue"), Person(name = "Bob"))
.containsExactly("Sue", "Bob")
If you expect an exception to be thrown, you can use assertFailure
which takes a lambda.
assertFailure {
throw Exception("error")
Table Assertions
If you have multiple sets of values you want to test with, you can create a table assertion.
tableOf("a", "b", "result")
.row(0, 0, 1)
.row(1, 2, 4)
.forAll { a, b, result ->
assertThat(a + b).isEqualTo(result)
Up to 4 columns are supported.
Custom Assertions
One of the goals of this library is to make custom assertions easy to make. All assertions are just extension methods.
fun Assert<Person>.hasAge(expected: Int) {
For completely custom assertions, you have a few building blocks. given
will give you the actual value to assert on,
and expected()
and show()
will help you format your failure message.
fun Assert<Person>.hasAge(expected: Int) = given { actual ->
if (actual.age == expected) return
expected("age:${show(expected)} but was age:${show(actual.age)}")
You can also build assertions that chain by using transform
. This allows you to both assert on the actual value, and
return something more specific that additional assertions can be chained on.
fun Assert<Person>.hasMiddleName(): Assert<String> = transform(appendName("middleName", separator = ".")) { actual ->
if (actual.middleName != null) {
} else {
expected("to not be null")
Note: this is a bit of a contrived example as you'd probably want to build this out of existing assertions instead.
fun Assert<Person>.hasMiddleName(): Assert<String> = prop(Person::middleName).isNotNull()
The general rule of thumb is to prefer building out of the existing assertions unless you can give a more meaningful
error message.
Additional Tools
- Assertk Lint - A set of lint rules to encourage proper use of assertk.
Contributing to assertk
Contributions are more than welcome! Please see
the Contributing Guidelines and be mindful of
our Code of Conduct.