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This is a gradle plugin that helps you to generate boilerplate code for writing jUnit + Mockito Test Cases.
Any existing IDEs such as IntelliJ or Android Studio, will generate test cases but only per method per file.
They also generate only empty methods and leave the actual code to the developer.
This can get tedious if you have a lot of untested code in your codebase, as you'll have to write mock fields for
each dependency in your class.
This is where you can use this plugin to reduce developer time. This Plugin generates actual test case code along
with mocks and input fields + output fields per test case. It even adds an assertion to your method invoke!
Major advantage of using this plugin is that it is language agnostic. It supports:
* Android Projects
* Pure Java Projects
* Pure Kotlin Projects
* Java + Kotlin Projects
To use this plugin, add it to the buildscripts classpath:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "io.github.orange-3:unit-test-architect:$LATEST_LIBRARY_VERSION"
And then add it as a plugin in your library gradle
plugins {
id 'io.github.orange-3.unit-test-architect'
Finally, register this task:
You can give source folders and exclude directories of which you don't want test cases to be generated.
tasks.register('generateTests', io.github.orange3.unittestarchitect.TestCaseGenerator) {
// Use android.applicationVariants.each for application modules
android.libraryVariants.each { variant ->
if (variant.name == "SOME FLAVOR VARIANT NAME") {
// This line searches for javac compiled code
// You can use this for older gradle versions: def javaCompiledClasses = variant.javaCompileProvider.get().destinationDir.getAbsoluteFile().toURI().toURL()
def javaCompiledClasses = variant.getJavaCompileProvider().get().destinationDirectory.getAsFile().get().toURI().toURL()
// This line searches for kotlin compiled code + dependencies
def restDependencies = variant.getCompileClasspath(null).getFiles().collect { it.toURI().toURL() } as URL[]
// You need to set this field with all locations to your compiled code (.class files)
urls = restDependencies + javaCompiledClasses
// You also need to provide a list of source directories
sourceDirectoryList = ["library/src/main", "library/src/flavorFolder2", "library/src/flavorFolder3"]
// If needed, you can exclude directories or files using this
exclude = ["library/src/main/java/foo/bar/tom/di",
Please also set a ANDROID_SDK_DIRECTORY in your environment variables. This is not mandatory if you are not dealing with android. Non android consumers can skip this.
ANDROID_SDK_DIRECTORY = "/Users/rahulchoudhary/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-31"
To use the task, your project should be compiled. This plugin is compatible with both java and android projects.
Usage of task : ./gradlew :library:generateTests
Example File: module/src/someFolder/java/
package foo.bar.tom.files
import foo.bar.tom.models.SomeRequest
import foo.bar.tom.models.SomeResponse
import foo.bar.tom.interfaces.SomeInterface
import foo.bar.tom.dog.DummyClass3
import foo.bar.tom.dog.converter.DummyClass2
import foo.bar.tom.dog.network.service.DummyClass1
import foo.bar.tom.dog.usecases.interfaces.MyClassInterface
import android.content.Context
import kotlin.Int
import kotlin.String
class MyClass(
private val context: Context,
private val dummyClass1: DummyClass1,
private val dummyClass3: DummyClass3,
private val dummyClass2: DummyClass2
) : MyClassInterface {
override fun execute(request: SomeRequest): SomeResponse {
override suspend fun check(
input: String,
dummyInt: Int,
someInterface: SomeInterface
): AnotherResponse {
//does Something
private fun doSomething(
): Unit {
//does something
This will generate and paste boilerplate test classes of any new code without affecting existing test classes.
Hence, it's more useful in projects where unit testing was not in scope earlier, but now you want to write testes for older code.
The more the number of untested files in your code, the more useful this plugin gets.
package foo.bar.tom.models
import ...
data class SomeRequest(
val integer: Int,
val someClass: SomeClass
package foo.bar.tom.models
import ...
data class SomeResponse(
val double: Double
package foo.bar.tom.classes
import ...
public class SomeClass(
val data: String,
) {
//Some Class Logic
package foo.bar.tom.classes
import ...
public class AnotherResponse(
//Empty Constructor
) {
What the logic will do, is it will perform Graph Search operations on parameters and
generate all required intermediate test objects!
Example Output: module/src/testSomeFolder/java/
Classes Like this one, compilable, will be generated in your project's test folders.
package foo.bar.tom.files
import foo.bar.tom.models.SomeRequest
import foo.bar.tom.models.SomeResponse
import foo.bar.tom.classes.SomeClass
import foo.bar.tom.classes.AnotherResponse
import foo.bar.tom.interfaces.SomeInterface
import foo.bar.tom.dog.DummyClass3
import foo.bar.tom.dog.converter.DummyClass2
import foo.bar.tom.dog.network.service.DummyClass1
import android.content.Context
import kotlin.Unit
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Test
import org.mockito.Mock
import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations
import kotlin.Int
import kotlin.String
import kotlin.Double
public class MyClassTest {
private lateinit var testObject: MyClass
private lateinit var context: Context
private lateinit var dummyClass1: DummyClass1
private lateinit var dummyClass3: DummyClass3
private lateinit var dummyClass2: DummyClass2
public fun setUp(): Unit {
testObject = MyClass(
public fun execute(): Unit {
//generates random primitive type and string values
val testIntObject: Int = 1
val testStringObject: String = "dasfewfe3"
val testSomeClassObject: SomeClass = SomeClass(data)
val testSomeRequestObject : SomeRequest = SomeRequest(testIntegerObject, data)
val testDoubleObject: Double = 1.0
val testExpectedResult : SomeResponse = SomeResponse(testDoubleObject)
public fun check(): Unit {
val testStringObject: String = "fwf4scxaasd"
val testIntObject: Int = 1
// Leaves interface implementations upto the developer
lateinit var someInterface: SomeInterface
val testExpectedResult : AnotherResponse = AnotherResponse()
runBlocking {
It must be evident by now that this plugin writes so much code for you.
Please note that the test cases will be generated only in kotlin for both java and kotlin files.
Open Issues
- Classes with generics are not supported. But the task will run and cases will be generated.
- Some coroutine tests are generated for no reason.
- Above cases will create compilation error in test files, but these can be addressed by the
developer himself.