is a Java software library that represents the object model described in the W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) 1.1 Part 1: Structures and Part 2: Datatypes.
aims to reduce the mysticism surrounding the complexity of the XSD 1.1 specification by providing users with direct access to the XSD properties.
Due to the complex structure of XML schema documents and the potential variety of the structure of schemas, there is no preference for any particular schema component or structure. Therefore, xs-parser
only provides the properties described in the XSD 1.1 specification.
Unlike other software libraries that attempt to model XML schema documents, xs-parser
does not sugarcoat the complexity inherent to the XSD 1.1 specification, but in returns offers a high level of fidelity to the specification. Another added benefit of this approach is that developers who are familiar with the XSD 1.1 specification may quickly adopt this library into their development tool chains.
requires Java 8 or later and has no third-party dependencies.
If Saxon, i.e. net.sf.saxon:Saxon-HE
, version 9+ is detected on the classpath at runtime, then it is used as the XPath, XQuery, and XSLT engine.
When not detected, XSLT and XQuery evaluation are disabled and the XPath engine defaults to the JAXP XPath 1.0 implementation provided by the Java Platform.
Chameleon inclusion, xs:override
, and xs:redefine
are implemented with XSLT templates, and are therefore non-functional when Saxon is not present on the classpath.
plugins {
id 'java'
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation 'io.github.xs-parser:xs-parser:3.0'
import xs.parser.*;
public class Runner {
public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException {
final Schema schema = new Schema(new File("/path/to/schema.xsd"));
schema.typeDefinitions().forEach(t ->
System.out.println((t instanceof ComplexType ? "Complex" : "Simple")
+ "Type definition: " +;
schema.attributeDeclarations().forEach(a ->
System.out.println("Attribute declaration: " +;
Equals and HashCode
The classes of xs-parser
do not override equals()
or hashCode()
. Use reference equality, ==
, instead. Consider the following code and schema:
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="">
<xs:complexType name="A" />
<xs:complexType name="B" >
<xs:element name="E" />
<xs:element name="E1" type="A" />
<xs:element name="E2" type="B" />
where /path/to/schema.xsd
contains the above schema.
final Schema schema = new Schema(new File("/path/to/schema.xsd"));
final TypeDefinition a = schema.typeDefinitions().getFirst();
System.out.println(a.baseTypeDefinition() == ComplexType.xsAnyType());
final Element e1 = schema.elementDeclarations().getFirst();
System.out.println(e1.typeDefinition() == a);
final Element e2 = schema.elementDeclarations().getLast();
final TypeDefinition b = schema.typeDefinitions().getLast();
System.out.println(e2.typeDefinition() == b);
Execution Model
Almost all evaluations in xs-parser
are lazy, accomplished through a deferred execution model. The Schema
constructor does not do anything more than load the DOM of the file as well as a few sanity checks to ensure that what was provided looks roughly like an actual schema. The definitions and declarations of the schema are not parsed until they are needed.
XSD Datatypes Mapping
XSD Primitive Datatypes | Java class |
xs:string , xs:duration , xs:dateTime , xs:time , xs:date , xs:gYearMonth , xs:gYear , xs:gMonthDay , xs:gDay , xs:gMonth , xs:hexBinary , xs:base64Binary , xs:anyURI | java.lang.String |
xs:boolean | java.lang.Boolean |
xs:decimal , xs:float , xs:double | java.math.BigDecimal |
xs:QName , xs:NOTATION | javax.xml.namespace.QName |
XSD Other Built-in Datatypes | Java class |
xs:normalizedString , xs:token , xs:language , xs:NMTOKEN , xs:NMTOKENS , xs:Name , xs:NCName , xs:ID , xs:IDREF , xs:IDREFS , xs:ENTITY , xs:ENTITIES , xs:yearMonthDuration , xs:dayTimeDuration , xs:dateTimeStamp | java.lang.String |
xs:integer , xs:nonPositiveInteger , xs:negativeInteger , xs:long , xs:int , xs:short , xs:byte , xs:nonNegativeInteger , xs:unsignedLong , xs:unsignedInt , xs:unsignedShort , xs:unsignedByte , xs:positiveInteger | java.lang.BigInteger |
XPath & XQuery
final var schema = new xs.parser.Schema(new"/path/to/schema.xsd"));
final var root = xs.parser.x.NodeSet.of(schema);
final var allSchemas = root.xpath("fn:collection()/xs:schema");
final var complexTypeNames = allSchemas.xquery("xs:complexType").xpath("@name");
final var rootSchema = root.xpath("/xs:schema");
final var simpleTypes = rootSchema.xpath("xs:simpleType");
System.out.println("xs:complexType size: " + complexTypeNames.size());
System.out.println("xs:simpleType size: " + simpleTypes.size());
complexTypeNames.split().forEach(name ->
System.out.println("Name: " + name.getStringValue())); ->
System.out.println("Name: " + node.getAttributes().getNamedItemNS(null, "name")));