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A growing library of assorted data structures, algorithms and utilities to complement OPENRNDR.


name                                    description
orx-camera2D and 3D cameras controllable via mouse and keyboard.
orx-colorColor spaces, palettes, histograms, named colors.
orx-compositionShape composition library
orx-compositorToolkit to make composite (layered) images using blend modes and filters.
orx-compute-graphA graph for computation.
orx-compute-graph-nodesA collection of nodes that can be used with orx-compute-graph.
orx-delegate-magicCollection of magical property delegators. For tracking variable change or interpolate towards the value of a variable.
orx-easingEasing functions for smooth animation or non-linear interpolation.
orx-envelopesADSR (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release) envelopes and tools.
orx-expression-evaluatorTools to evaluate strings containing mathematical expressions.
orx-expression-evaluator-typedTools to evaluate strings containing typed mathematical expressions.
orx-fcurveFCurves are 1 dimensional function curves constructed from 2D bezier functions. They are often used to control a property over time. x values don't have any units, but they often represent a duration in seconds.
orx-fftSimple forward and inverse FFT routine
orx-fxReady-to-use GPU-based visual effects or filters. Most include orx-parameters annotations so they can be easily controlled via orx-gui.
orx-gradient-descentFinds equation inputs that output a minimum value: easy to use gradient descent based minimizer.
orx-hash-grid2D space partitioning for fast point queries.
orx-image-fitDraws an image ensuring it fits or covers the specified Rectangle.
orx-integral-imageCPU and GPU-based implementation for integral images (summed area tables)
orx-interval-treeFor querying a data set containing time segments (start time and end time) when we need all entries containing a specific time value. Useful when creating a timeline.
orx-jumpfloodCalculates distance or direction fields from an image. GPU accelerated, 2D. Results are provided as an image.
orx-kdtreeFast search of points closest to the queried point in a data set. 2D, 3D and 4D.
orx-marching-squaresTools for extracting contours from functions
orx-mesh-generators3D-mesh generating functions and DSL.
orx-no-clearProvides the classical "draw-without-clearing-the-screen" functionality.
orx-noiseRandomness for every type of person: Perlin, uniform, value, simplex, fractal and many other types of noise.
orx-obj-loaderSimple loader for Wavefront .obj 3D mesh files.
orx-paletteProvides hundreds of color palettes.
orx-parametersProvides annotations and tools for turning Kotlin properties into introspectable parameters. Used by orx-gui to automatically generate user interfaces.
orx-property-watchersTools for setting up property watcher based pipelines
orx-quadtreeA Quadtree is a spatial partioning tree structure meant to provide fast spatial queries such as nearest points within a range.
orx-shade-stylesShader based fills and strokes, including various types of gradient fills.
orx-shader-phrasesA library that provides a #pragma import statement for shaders.
orx-shapesCollection of 2D shape generators and modifiers.
orx-svgSVG reader and writer library.
orx-temporal-blurPost-processing temporal-blur video effect. CPU intense, therefore not intended for use with the ScreenRecorder extension or other real-time uses.
orx-text-writerWriting texts with layouts
orx-time-operatorsA collection of time-sensitive functions aimed at controlling raw data over-time, such as Envelope and LFO.
orx-timerSimple timer functionality providing repeat, to run code with a given interval and timeOut, to run code once after a given delay.
orx-triangulationDelaunay triangulation and Voronoi diagrams.
orx-turtleBezier (ShapeContour) backed turtle graphics.
orx-view-boxTo create independent views inside one program window.

JVM only

name                                    description
orx-boofcvHelper functions to ease working with the BoofCV computer vision library and its data types.
orx-chataigneExpose variables to Chataigne and any other applications that can interface with it. The current implementation makes use of the OSC protocol and supports Double and ColorRGBa.
orx-depth-camera-calibratorClass to help callibrate depth and transformation matrices when using one or more depth cameras.
orx-dnk3A scene graph based 3d renderer with support for Gltf based assets
orx-file-watcherMonitor files on disk and auto-reload them if they change.
orx-git-archiverAn extension that hooks into Program.requestAssets to commit changed code to Git and provide filenames based on the commit hash.
orx-git-archiver-gradleA Gradle plugin that turns a git history and screenshots directory into a markdown file.
orx-guiAutomatic UI (sliders, buttons, etc.) generated from annotated classes and properties. Uses orx-panel and orx-parameters.
orx-keyframerCreate animated timelines by specifying properties and times in keyframes, then play it back at any speed (even backwards) automatically interpolating properties. Save, load, use mathematical expressions and callbacks. Powerful and highly reusable.
orx-kinect-v1Support for the Kinect V1 RGB and depth cameras.
orx-midiMIDI support for keyboards and controllers. Send and receive note and control change events. Bind inputs to variables.
orx-minimSimplifies working with the Minim sound library. Provides sound synthesis and analysis.
orx-oliveProvides live coding functionality: updates a running OPENRNDR program when you save your changes.
orx-oscOpen Sound Control makes it possible to send and receive messages from other OSC enabled programs in the same or a different computer. Used to create multi-application or multi-device software.
orx-panelThe OPENRNDR UI toolkit. Provides buttons, sliders, text, a color picker and much more. HTML/CSS-like.
orx-poisson-fillPost processing effect that fills transparent parts of the image interpolating the edge pixel colors. GPU-based.
orx-rabbit-controlCreates a web-based remote UI to control your OPENRNDR program from a mobile device or a different computer. Alternative to orx-gui.
orx-runwayInterfaces with the RunwayML machine learning library that provides features like motion capture, image synthesis, object recognition, style transfer and more. More info at
orx-syphonSend frames to- and from OPENRNDR to other applications in real time using Syphon for Mac.
orx-video-profilesGIF, H265, PNG, Prores, TIFF and Webp VideoWriterProfiles for ScreenRecorder and VideoWriter.

Developer notes

Publish and use local builds of the library in your applications

First, build and publish OPENRNDR to the local maven repository:

Run (or import in IntelliJ IDEA and edit the run configuration).

# In openrndr repository
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal snapshot

This command will build and publish a snapshot of the next version of the library to your local maven repository. The exact version will be shown in the console output during the build process.

Now you can run the same command again but for this repository.

# In orx repository
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal snapshot

It will automatically use the locally published snapshot of OPENRNDR for building ORX and will publish ORX to your local maven repository with the same logic as before.

Once that's done, you can use the local builds of OPENRNDR and ORX in your openrndr-template by specifying the version that was published.

Take a look at the wiki for a more detailed walk-through.


Package last updated on 18 Jul 2024

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