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TurkcellUpdater Android SDK

This library provides mechanism for updating Android applications and displaying messages configured at a configuration file.


Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }

Add below dependency to your app's build.gradle file.

dependencies {
	compile 'com.github.Turkcell:TurkcellUpdater_android_sdk:1.2.4'

Configuration Guide

This documents describes usage and structure configuration files used by Turkcell Updater library.


Updating an Android application to a new version served on Google Play

	"packageName": "com.example.app1",
	"updates": [
			 "descriptions": {
				 "tr": {
					 "message": "Yeni versiyon yayınlanmıştır",
					 "positive_button": "Güncelle",
					 "negative_button": "İptal"
				 "*": {
					 "message": "New version available",
					 "positive_button": "Update",
					 "negative_button": "Cancel"
			 "targetVersionCode": 1,
			 "targetGooglePlay": true

Updating an Android application to a new version served as APK file

	"packageName": "com.example.app1",
	"updates": [
			 "descriptions": {
				 "tr": {
					 "message": "Yeni versiyon yayınlanmıştır",
					 "positive_button": "Güncelle",
					 "negative_button": "İptal"
				 "*": {
					 "message": "New version available",
					 "positive_button": "Update",
					 "negative_button": "Cancel"
			 "targetVersionCode": 1,
			 "targetPackageUrl": ""

Updating an Android application depending on where current application is installed from

	"packageName": "com.example.app1",
	"updates": [
			"filters": {
				"appInstallerPackageName": ""
			"descriptions": {
				 "tr": {
					 "message": "Yeni versiyon yayınlanmıştır",
					 "positive_button": "Güncelle",
					 "negative_button": "İptal"
				"*": {
					"message": "New version available",
					"positive_button": "Update",
					"negative_button": "Cancel"
			"targetVersionCode": 1,
			"targetGooglePlay": true
			"filters": {
				"appInstallerPackageName": "!"
			 "descriptions": {
				 "tr": {
					 "message": "Yeni versiyon yayınlanmıştır",
					 "positive_button": "Güncelle",
					 "negative_button": "İptal"
				 "*": {
					 "message": "New version available",
					 "positive_button": "Update",
					 "negative_button": "Cancel"
			 "targetVersionCode": 1,
			 "targetPackageUrl": ""

Forcing an Android application to update

	"packageName": "com.example.app1",
	"updates": [
			 "descriptions": {
				 "tr": {
					 "message": "Yeni versiyon yayınlanmıştır",
					 "positive_button": "Güncelle",
					 "negative_button": "Çıkış"
				 "*": {
					 "message": "New version available",
					 "positive_button": "Update",
					 "negative_button": "Exit"
			 "targetVersionCode": "1",
			 "targetGooglePlay": true,
			 "forceUpdate": true

Forcing an Android application to quit

	"packageName": "com.example.app1",
	"updates": [
			 "descriptions": {
				 "tr": {
					 "message": "Hizmet kullanılamıyor",
					 "positive_button": "Çıkış"
				 "*": {
					 "message": "Service is unavailable",
					 "positive_button": "Exit"
			 "forceExit": true

End of support for older Android OS versions

	"packageName": "com.example.app1",
	"updates": [
			"filters": {
				"deviceApiLevel": ">=8"
			"descriptions": {
				 "tr": {
					 "message": "Yeni versiyon yayınlanmıştır",
					 "positive_button": "Güncelle",
					 "negative_button": "Çıkış"
				 "*": {
					 "message": "New version available",
					 "positive_button": "Update",
					 "negative_button": "Exit"
			"targetVersionCode": "5",
			"targetGooglePlay": true,
			"forceUpdate": true
			"filters": {
				"deviceApiLevel": "<8"
		 "descriptions": {
			 "tr": {
				 "message": "Android 2.2 ve üzeri versiyonlar desteklenmektedir.",
				 "positive_button": "Çıkış"
			 "*": {
				 "message": "Android version earlier than Android 2.2 are not supported.",
				 "positive_button": "Exit"
		 "forceExit": true


Transferring users to another Android application replacing old one

	"packageName": "com.example.app1",
	"updates": [
			"descriptions": {
				 "*": {
					 "message": "New version available",
					 "positive_button": "Update"
			"targetPackageName": "com.example.newapp",
			"targetVersionCode": "5",
			"targetGooglePlay": true,
			"forceUpdate": true

Adding "What is new in this version" message

               "title":"Bu Versiyonda Neler Yeni",
               "message":"Bazi hatalar duzeltildi ve iyilestirmeler yapildi.",
	       "positive_button": "Tamam"
               "title":"What's New in this Version",
               "message":"We made our app even cooler with some incredible bugfixes.",
	       "positive_button": "Ok"


Different configuration files are stored per application using Turkcell Updater Library.
Configuration files are UTF-8 encoded JSON documents and should be served with "application/json" content type. Since configurations may contain vulnerable information like URL of update package they should be only accessible via HTTPS.
Root element of files should conform to Configuration Root specifications below.
Documents may contain additional keys but Updater library ignores any other key that is not referred in this document.
Configuration Root
Root object that contains all data needed by Updater Library to show update messages and other notifications to user.
Type: Object
Property nameTypeDefault valuePlatformsDescriptionRequiredSince
packageNameStringnullAllPlatform specific unique identifier of application which configuration is created for. Package name for Android applications or Bundle id for iOS applications.Yes1
updatesArraynullAllList of update entries with 0 or more elements. See Update EntryNo1
messagesArraynullAllList of messages with 0 or more elements. See Message EntryNo2

	"packageName": "com.example.app1",
	"updates": [
			 "descriptions": {
				 "tr": {
					 "message": "Yeni versiyon yayinlandi",
					 "whatIsNew": "Bazi hatalar duzeltildi",
					 "warnings": "Yeni versiyon ek izinler gerektiriyor",
					 "positive_button": "Tamam"
				 "*": {
					 "message": "New version available",
					 "whatIsNew": "Minor bug fixes",
					 "warnings": "New version requires additional privileges",
					 "positive_button": "Ok"
			 "targetVersionCode": 10,
			 "targetPackageUrl": "",
			 "forceUpdate": false
	"messages": [
			"descriptions": {
				"tr": {
					"title": "Teklif",
					"message": "Yeni uygulama mevcut!",
					"imageUrl": "",
					"positive_button": "Yukle",
					"negative_button": "Daha Spnra"
				"*": {
					"title": "Offer",
					"message": "New application is available!",
					"imageUrl": "",
					"positive_button": "Install",
					"negative_button": "Later"
			"targetPackageName": "com.example.app2",
			"targetGooglePlay": true,
			"maxDisplayCount": 3

Update Entry
Provides information about how update should be installed and when update should be applied.
Type: Object
Property nameTypeDefault valuePlatformsDescriptionRequiredSince
filtersArraynullAllSee Filter EntryNo1
descriptionsObjectnullAllMap of update description entries. Keys (property names) are two letter language codes (see: ISO 639-1) and values are Update Description Entries. If empty strings ("") or asterisk("*") is used as key, it matches with any language.

For iOS : If device language is English but the application language is Turkish asterisk("*")language code is suggested for displaying Turkish descriptions.
targetVersionCodeNumber-1AndroidVersion code of new version. See Note #1Yes for Android application, unless forceExit is true1
targetGooglePlayBooleanfalseAndroidtrue New version should be installed from Google Play.See Note #21
targetPackageNameStringCurrent application's packageNameAndroidPackage name of new version.No1
targetPackageUrlStringnullAndroidURL of APK package of new version.See Note #21
forceUpdateBooleanfalseAlltrue if user should not skip this update and continue to use application. When true "Exit application" option will be displayed to user instead of "Remind me later" option.No1
forceExitBooleanfalseAlltrue if user should not have any option other than exiting application. When true only "Exit application" option will be displayed to user.No2
targetWebsiteUrlStringnullAllFor Android : URL of web page that contains new version.

For iOS : iTunes or Corporate Repository URL of the application.
See Note #21
  1. Version entries will be omitted if targetPackageName is same with current applications package name and targetVersionCode is same with current applications version code. This check is performed in order avoid updates to existing version.
  2. On Android, any update entry should meet at least one of following conditions. Otherwise it will be omitted.
    • forceExit is true
    • targetGooglePlay is true
    • targetWebsiteUrl is not null or empty
    • targetPackageUrl is not null or empty

	"filters": {
		"appVersionCode": "<10",
		"deviceOsName": "Android"
	"descriptions": {
		"tr": {
			"message": "Uygulamanın yeni sürümü yayınlandı.",
			"whatIsNew": "Hata düzeltildi",
			"warnings": "Yeni sürüm ek yetkiler gerektirir"
		"*": {
			"message": "New version available",
			"whatIsNew": "Minor bug fixes",
			"warnings": "New version requires additional privileges"
	"targetVersionCode": 10,
	"targetGooglePlay": true

Message Entry
Defines a message to display to user when message should be displayed.
Type: Object
Property nameTypeDefault valuePlatformsDescriptionRequiredSince
filtersArraynullAllSee Filter EntryNo2
descriptionsObjectnullAllMap of message description entries. Keys (property names) are two letter language codes (see: ISO 639-1) and values are Message Description Entries. If empty strings ("") or asterisk("*") is used as key, it matches with any language.Yes2
idNumberFor Android : Auto generated value using targetGooglePlay, targetPackageName, targetWebsiteUrl and descriptions properties.

For iOS : Auto generated value using targetWebsiteUrl and descriptions properties.
AllUnique ID of message. ID is used when determining last display date and total display count of message.No2
targetGooglePlayBooleanfalseAndroidtrue if message offers references to an application in Google Play. If it is true, targetPackageName should not be null or empty.No2
targetPackageNameStringnullAndroidPackage name of offered application. If specified one of targetGooglePlay or targetWebsiteUrl properties should be set.No2
targetWebsiteUrlStringnullAllURL of web page that contains offered application.No2
maxDisplayCountNumber2147483647AllMaximum display count of messageNo2
displayBeforeDateStringnullAllIf not null, message should not be displayed after this date. For date format details see Note #1No2
displayAfterDateStringnullAllIf not null, message should not be displayed before this date. For date format details see Note #1No2
displayPeriodInHoursNumber0AllMinimum duration in hours that should pass before displaying this message againNo2
  1. Following date formats from ISO 8601 are supported:
    • "yyyy-MM-dd" example: "1969-12-31" "1970-01-01"
    • "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" example: "1969-12-31 16:00", "1970-01-01 00:00"

	"filters": {
		"deviceIsTablet": "true"
	"descriptions": {
		"*": {
			"title": "Offer",
			"message": "New application for your tablet is avaliable!",
			"imageUrl": ""
	"displayAfterDate": "2013-01-01",
	"displayBeforeDate": "2013-06-01",
	"targetPackageName": "com.example.app2",
	"targetGooglePlay": true,
	"maxDisplayCount": 10,
	"displayPeriodInHours": 240

Filter Entry
Message Entries and Update Entries are applied only if filter matches with device properties. If "filter" property of a Message Entry and a Update Entry is omitted or defined as null no filtering will be applied.
Filter entries consist of key and value pairs. Keys are property names and values are filtering rules.

Filtering rules format applies to all values of filter entry:

  • Rules are sequences of rule parts joined with ","
  • Both rule parts and values are converted to lower case and trimmed before comparison
  • Order of rule parts doesn't change the result, example: "!b,a" is same with "a,!b"
  • "*", null or empty string matches with any value including null
  • "''" matches with null or empty string
  • "!''" matches with any value except null or empty string
  • "![rule part]" excludes any value matches with [rule]
  • "[value]" matches with any value equals to [value]
  • "[prefix]*" matches with any value starting with [prefix]
  • "*[suffix]" matches with any value ending with [suffix]
  • "[prefix]*[suffix]" matches with any value starting with [prefix] and ending with [suffix]
  • ">[integer]" matches with any value greater than [integer]
  • ">=[integer]" matches with any value greater than or equals to [integer]
  • "<[integer]" matches with any value lesser than [integer]
  • "<=[integer]" matches with any value lesser than or equals to [integer]
  • "<>[integer]" matches with any value not equals to [integer]
Type: Object
Property nameTypeDefault valuePlatformsDescriptionRequiredSince
appPackageNameStringnullAll Filter rule for package name of application.
Example value: "".
appVersionNameStringnullAll Version name of application typically in Major.Minor.Revision or Major.Minor format.
Example value: "1.0.0"
appVersionCodeStringnullAndroid An integer version code of application which is defined in AndroidManifest.xml.
Example value: "10"
appInstallerPackageNameStringnullAndroid Package name of application installed current application. Maybe null if not specified.
Example value: "" of Google play.
deviceApiLevelStringnullAndroid Version code of Android OS. See Android documentation.
Example value: "10" for Android 2.3.3.
deviceOsNameStringnullAndroid Name of operating system of device.
Values: "android", "ios", "windowsphone".
deviceOsVersionStringnullAll Version name of operating system of device.
Example value: "2.3.3".
deviceBrandStringnullAndroid Brand name of device.
Example value: "htc_europe" for HTC Wildfire S.
deviceModelStringnullAllFor Android : Model name of device.
Example value: "HTC Wildfire S A510e" for HTC Wildfire S.

For iOS :
  • "iPod1,1" for iPod Touch
  • "iPod2,1" for iPod Touch Second Generation
  • "iPod3,1" for iPod Touch Third Generation
  • "iPod4,1" for iPod Touch Fourth Generation
  • "iPhone1,1" for iPhone
  • "iPhone1,2" for iPhone 3G
  • "iPhone2,1" for iPhone 3GS
  • "iPad1,1" for iPad
  • "iPad2,1" fpr iPad 2
  • "iPad3,1" for iPad 3 (aka new iPad)
  • "iPhone3,1" for iPhone 4
  • "iPhone4,1" for iPhone 4S
  • "iPhone5,1" for iPhone 5
If there is a need for giving multiple device models as a value asterik(*) must be used instead of comma(,), because comma(,) is a reserved notation for joining rules.
Example value: "iPhone2*,iPad1*,iPhone5*"
deviceProductStringnullAndroid Product name of the device.
Example value: "htc_marvel" for HTC Wildfire S.
deviceIsTabletStringnullAll "true" if devices is a tablet, otherwise "false".

For Android : Since there is no clear evidence to determine if an Android device is tablet or not, devices with minimum screen size wider than 600 dpi are considered as tablets.
Example values: "true", "false".
deviceLanguageStringnullAll Two letter language code of device (see: ISO 639-1).
Example values: "en", "tr", "fr".
x-<Application defined key>StringnullAndroid "x-" is prefix for application defined keys of arbitrary properties.
Applications may define and add own custom property key-value pairs for application specific filters.
Example values: "x-foo", "x-bar".
deviceMccStringnullAndroid Mobile country code of device. See Mobile country code
Example value: "286" for Turkey.
deviceMncStringnullAndroid Mobile network code of device. See Mobile country code
Example value: "1" for Turkcell.
updaterLevelStringnullAndroid An integer number that is used to define updater version used by application.
Example value: "1" for initial version of updater sdk.

	"deviceOsName": "android",
	"deviceOsVersion": "4.*",
	"appVersionName": "2.4.3, 2.4.4, 2.5.*, 3.*, 4.*, 5.*",
	"deviceIsTablet": "true"

Update Description Entry
Contains language specific texts that are displayed to user on updates found dialog.
See Update Entry
Type: Object
Property nameTypeDefault valuePlatformsDescriptionRequiredSince
messageStringnullAll Summary information describing update contents. Yes1
whatIsNewStringnullAll Describes changes and new features of new version. No1
warningsStringnullAll Warning text about the update. Any important issues that user should know before updating should be described here. No1
positive_buttonStringnullAndroid Text that will be displayed at positive button of message dialog. Yes3
negative_buttonStringnullAndroid Text that will be displayed at negative button of message dialog. No3

	"message": "New version available",
	"whatIsNew": "Minor bug fixes",
	"warnings": "New version requires additional privileges",
	"positive_button": "Install",
	"negative_button": "Later"

Message Description Entry
Contains language specific texts that are displayed to user on message dialog.
See Message Entry
Type: Object
Property nameTypeDefault valuePlatformsDescriptionRequiredSince
titleStringnullAll Text that will be displayed at title of message dialog. No2
messageStringnullAll Text displayed inside message dialog. Yes2
imageUrlStringnullAll Fully qualified URL of image file that is displayed in message dialog. It should refer to a square PNG or JPEG with preferably at 100x100 pixels size. No2
positive_buttonStringnullAndroid Text that will be displayed at positive button of message dialog. Yes3
negative_buttonStringnullAndroid Text that will be displayed at negative button of message dialog. No3

	"title": "Offer",
	"message": "New application is avaliable!",
	"imageUrl": "",
	"positive_button": "Install",
	"negative_button": "Later"


Package last updated on 05 Jun 2015

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