Google drive api layer to access the drive folders and files easily
Type definitions for Google Realtime API from
Fetch download urls from several social media.
DataFire integration for Drive Activity API
Google Sheets API -- simple interface to read/write data and manage sheets
This wrapper provides you simplified functionality to handle the Google Drive API.
Google Drive API wrapper for Vue 2.
CLI tool to convert local CSV files into Google Sheets files in a designated Google Drive folder.
mocked class for google apps script's DriveApp api
React google drive picker api
Google APIs Client Library for Node.js
api for get videoplayback from google drive
Typescript types to describe the responses from the Google Drive v3 REST API
TypeScript typings for google-drive-realtime-api
Call Google Drive functions with this Api wrapper.
Hubot utility functions for authenticating to google apis
a helper for service account auth and google drive restful api
Backs up your mysql data to your google drive
DataFire integration for Drive API
A Google Drive API implementation for the browser.
DataFire integration for Drive Activity API
Google Drive integration for React Native OMH Storage. Offers a lightweight bridge to integrate your app with Google Drive's cloud storage using the official SDK and API.
Google Drive Uploader Component ===============================
An adapter for the Google Drive API to work with GraphQL
Google API Drive Client Modules
Wrapper to simplify interaction with google drive apis
React google drive picker api
@opuscapita/filemanager connector for Google Drive API v2
Easily generate queries for the Google Drive API.
Easy NodeJS Google Drive API Auth in Promise way
Google API Drive Client Modules
Google APIs project for Realtime Database and Drive v3 using fetch