Hardiness Zone is a simple tool for getting the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone for a given zip code
This package extracts country, state and city from any zip code, user need to provide zip code and google api access key
This package extracts country, state and city from any zip code, user need to provide zip code and google api access key
Zip Codes Lookup is a simple tool for looking up the zip codes of a city. It returns the zip codes of the city.
Query for zip code information using the Zippopotamus API.
DataFire integration for Interzoid Get Weather By Zip Code API
DataFire integration for Interzoid Zip Code Detailed Info API
library to abstract the zip code API from Brazil
Ez Geo Typeahead is a typeahead library build on top of typeahead.js using the Ez Geo Query API. It was designed to be a drop in, turn-key autocomplete solution for querying Zip Codes, Cities and States in the US.
This custom element renders a search form with autocomplete (using awesomplete) which calls the api endpoint defined in the element attribute. The example markup below calls the api.alpha.ca.gov endpoint to autocomplete California counties or zip codes.
This lib helps call the uc berkeley carbon api so far we have discovered the following inputs // op: "get_defaults_and_result" // 1 = zip code input_location_mode: number; // zip code input_location: string; // country code USA input_location_country: str