TypeScript definitions for web-bluetooth
Advanced, lightweight system and OS information library
Bluetooth HCI socket binding for Node.js
Bluetooth HCI socket binding for Node.js
Capacitor plugin for Bluetooth Low Energy
React-Native library to query and manage bluetooth state of the device (iOS and Android)
Implement bluetooth classic (serial) on Android (Bluetooth Adapter) and IOS (External Accessory)
Use the Bluetooth Low Energy plugin to connect your Cordova app to new Bluetooth devices like heart rate monitors, thermometers, etc...
Bluetooth serial port communication for Node.js
A BLE module for react native.
Awesome Cordova Plugins - Native plugins for ionic apps
provide some system setting APIs. Volume, brightness, wifi, location, bluetooth, airplane...
Ledger Hardware Wallet Web Bluetooth implementation of the communication layer
Bluetooth HCI host implementation
ES6 class for serial communication with Bluetooth Low Energy (Smart) devices
React Native Bluetooth Low Energy library
Bluetooth Serial Communication Plugin
Awesome Cordova Plugins - Native plugins for ionic apps
Cordova/Phonegap plugin to check the state of Location/WiFi/Camera/Bluetooth device settings.
GJS TypeScript type definitions for GnomeBluetooth-3.0, generated from library version 3.0.0
Ionic Native - Native plugins for ionic apps
Bluetooth HCI socket binding for Node.js
psdk - device bluetooth traits
'Bluetooth serial for react native'
comunicacao serialport e bluetooth para android
Esta é uma versao adaptada da cordova-plugin-networking-bluetooth
A Node.js BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) central library.
Web Bluetooth interface module for things-scene
Config plugin for auto configuring react-native-bluetooth-classic on Expo
React-Native plugin for the bluetooth ESC/POS printers.
Ionic Native - Native plugins for ionic apps
## Getting started
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Central Plugin
Bluetooth Serial Communication Plugin
Bluetooth serial port communication for Node.js
Bluetooth Serial Communication Plugin
Bluetooth MQTT Proxy
A wrapper for BLE APIs in FxOS. It help developers handle BLE things easier.
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Your project description
Ledger Hardware Wallet Bluetooth BLE transport for React Native
psdk - ohos bluetooth le device support
psdk - ohos bluetooth classic device support