The Material Components for the web floating action button component
A package of feature-rich Essential JS 2 components such as Button, CheckBox, RadioButton and Switch.
A tiny Floating Action Button for React.
A material design floating action button
Svelte Material UI - Floating Action Button
Simple (FAB) floating action component for react-native
Material design floating action button component
customizable multi-action-button component for react-native
An `<sp-popover>` is used to display transient content (menus, options, additional actions etc.) and appears when clicking/tapping on a source (tools, buttons, etc.) It stands out via its visual style (stroke and drop shadow) and floats on top of the rest
Simple React Component for adding a floating WhatsApp button to your project.
A customizable floating action button menu
FloatingActionButton component for the Max Design System
A floating activity finder button that can be easily added to any website
React native input with increase and decrease buttons
Mekari Pixel | Airene float button component
vue, float action button
ICE MT - Dimsum - Chat Floating Button
A simple Android like FAB Component for React
A FAB button component for Android and iOS, customizable, simple and as per material design specs.
A react component to add a floating whatsapp button to your project
A floating action button group web-component.
Material Components React Floating Action Button (FAB)
a speed dial component for Material UI
customizable circular action menu component for react-native
React.js panel component with tabs, toolbars, buttons, floating windows and customizable themes
A lightweight, customizable and cool ⚛️ react navigation buttons
A NativeScript plugin for Material Design Floating Action Button.
A floating action button component of responsive-ui.
A reusable React component for a customizable floating navigator with modal support.
Google Material Float Button - Implementation for Angular v4+
A simple react component to show a Whatsapp floating button.
A JavaScript library is used for displaying draggable floating action button in React Native.
React component to add floating whatsapp chat button with window and an optional message to the app.
Path-esque circular action menu inspired by react-native-circular-action-menu.
An Awesome floating button
A simple animated text input for react-native