Syntax highlight JavaScript strings for output in terminals.
Lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting. A spin-off project from Dabblet.
Syntax highlighting in your terminal
syntax highlighting component for react with prismjs or highlightjs ast using inline styles
TypeScript definitions for react-syntax-highlighter
Highlight ECMAScript syntax for the console or any other medium.
Add Prism syntax highlighting support to your Astro site
Simple no-frills code editor with syntax highlighting
rehype plugin to highlight code blocks in HTML with Prism (via refractor) with line highlighting and line numbers
An online parser for GraphQL for use in syntax-highlighters and code intelligence tools
rehype plugin to highlight code blocks with lowlight (highlight.js)
PrismaJS syntax highlighting for the terminal
Additional themes for the Prism syntax highlighting library.
An online parser for GraphQL for use in syntax-highlighters and code intelligence tools
Code highlight with Mantine theme
Modular Syntax highlighting for the web
Modified Atlaskit's Code Block to support more languages (i.e graphql, reasonml, etc) and theme (i.e railscast, dracula, monokai, etc) code snippets!
Extends repl.REPLServer to allow for a colorize function
rehype plugin to highlight code blocks in HTML with Prism
Instant code highlighting, auto-detect language, super easy to use.
Syntax highlighting with language autodetection. (pre-compiled CDN assets)
Svelte language extension for prismjs
Syntax highlighting for the CodeMirror code editor
Astro integration for Expressive Code, a modular syntax highlighting & annotation engine for presenting source code on the web. Offers full VS Code theme support, editor & terminal frames, copy to clipboard, text markers, collapsible sections, and more.
Shiki syntax highlighting plugin for Expressive Code, a text marking & annotation engine for presenting source code on the web.
A babel plugin to use PrismJS with standard bundlers.
Rehype plugin for Expressive Code, a modular syntax highlighting & annotation engine for presenting source code on the web. Offers full VS Code theme support, editor & terminal frames, copy to clipboard, text markers, collapsible sections, and more.
React component for syntax highlighting
Super lightweight JSX syntax highlighter
A simple code editor with syntax highlighting.
A dead simple code editor with syntax highlighting and line numbers.
Language Service for SAP HANA SQLScript. Provides Syntax highlighting, Code Formatting, Auto-completion and Error Annotations.
A Storybook addon that extracts and displays compiled syntax-highlighted HTML
Syntax highlighting for the Web
Support for using highlight.js to syntax highlight cURL commands.
Yaml input field with validation and syntax highlighting as React Component