VSCode Icons icon set in Iconify JSON format
Boxicons Solid icons available as Styled Components
A React SDK for implementing wallet web3 authentication and authorization to your website.
Font Awesome Regular icons available as Styled Components
Feather icons available as Styled Components
> [!IMPORTANT] > `nuxt-icon` package has been renamed to `@nuxt/icon`. Please install it and update your `nuxt.config.ts` to use the new package name.
Semrush Icon Component
Boxicons Logos icons available as Styled Components
Deliver [Spectrum UI Icons](https://spectrum.adobe.com/page/icons/) as either:
A collection of file type SVG icons, licensed MIT and available for free use in your applications.
TypeScript definitions for country-flag-icons
hint for best practices related to the apple-touch-icons
All SVG icons are rendered as React components.
The icon set for antd-mobile.
Material rounded icons available as Styled Components
Material outlined icons available as Styled Components
Foundation icons available as Styled Components
Octicons icons available as Styled Components
Icomoon icons available as Styled Components
Exports svgs from @itwin/itwinui-icons as React Components
beautiful, easy svg social icons in react
Free iOS-icons font for Framework7
Icon catalog and assets for Phosphor
Font Awesome Brands icons available as Styled Components
Twilio's icon library, ready for use and with accessibility considerations
Remix Line icons available as Styled Components
Remix Fill icons available as Styled Components
Material Design icons by Google
Iconify icon component for Svelte.
Heroicons Outline icons available as Styled Components
Entypo icons available as Styled Components
Eva Icons available as Styled Components
Secondary Icon Buttons are "icon-only" buttons and a restricted version of the ``. They trigger an action when clicked (`onClick` prop). You must also pass a label for accessibility reasons.
Heroicons Solid icons available as Styled Components
Simple Icons available as Styled Components
Typicons icons available as Styled Components
FluentUI System (filled) icons available as Styled Components
Carbon Design System SVG icons as Svelte components
Crypto icons available as Styled Components
Eva Icons available as Styled Components
Extend either the `Iconset` or `IconsetSVG` exports of this package to supply your application with a custom icon set to power the use of `<sp-icon>` elements throughout. Give your new icon set a custom name, and you'll be ready to supply them as `<sp-ico
Zondicons available as Styled Components
Entypo Social icons available as Styled Components
Icon buttons are icon-only buttons. They trigger an action when clicked (`onClick` prop). You must also pass a label for accessibility reasons.
Open Iconic icons available as Styled Components
Ionicons available as Styled Components