Core module for compound spring embedder based layout styles
A package of Essential JS 2 layout pure CSS components such as card and avatar. The card is used as small container to show content in specific structure, whereas the avatars are icons, initials or figures representing particular person.
Density utilities for Material Components for the web
bedrock-layout useStatefulRef
bedrock-layout useForwardedRef
Provide flexbox-based layouts
An advanced font engine for Node and the browser
A polyfill for React Natives DrawerLayoutAndroid
ForceAtlas 2 layout algorithm for graphology.
Router based layout plugin for Vite and Vue
The CoSE layout for Cytoscape.js by Bilkent with enhanced compound node placement
🌊 The Vue waterfull layout component.
VSCode public API plugged on the monaco editor - layout service-override
An advanced text layout framework
Web component providing configurable responsive layout for form elements
Layout engine for single-spa applications
Noverlap anti-collision layout algorithm for graphology.
Web component for partitioning a layout into resizeable areas
A sparse array of sizes that represent items in a dimension.
This package simplifies constructing the getItemLayout prop for react native SectionLists.
Collection of basic layout algorithms for graphology.
The fCoSE layout for Cytoscape.js by Bilkent with fast compound node placement
Reimplements the behavior of layout components in gatsby@1, which was removed in version 2.
ngbracket/ngx-layout =======
A layout component that centers all the email content
Spectrum UI components in React
Spectrum UI components in React
A fork of `dagre-layout` with individual lodash-es imports and ESM build
The draft content block component
Tiny package dedicated to an isomorphic `useLayoutEffect`.
TypeScript definitions for masonry-layout
[![NPM version][version-image]][version-url] [![NPM downloads][download-image]][download-url]
A Handlebars view engine for Express which doesn't suck.
Integration for the drawer component from react-native-drawer-layout
Collection of layout emotion components