Spinners for use in the terminal
Elegant spinner for interactive CLI apps
A collection of react loading spinners
The simplest and tiniest terminal spinner for Node.js
react-spinner-loader provides simple React.js spinner component which can be implemented for async wait operation before data load to the view.
Loaders express an unspecified wait time or display the length of a process.
A package of Essential JS 2 popup components such as Dialog and Tooltip that is used to display information or messages in separate pop-ups.
Elegant terminal spinner
256 colors, keys and mouse, input field, progress bars, screen buffer (including 32-bit composition and image loading), text buffer, and many more... Whether you just need colors and styles, build a simple interactive command line tool or a complexe termi
Create and manage multiple spinners in command-line interface programs
A spinner is an animated spinning icon that lets users know content is being loaded.
A React primitive for building slim progress bars.
Smart spinner helper for React, to manage the duration of loading states.
very simple and stable modal ActivityIndicator
A collection of loading indicators animated with CSS for React
Loading overlays with fade, spinner, message support.
The loading-spinner component
An all-in-one and fully customizable loader/spinner for Angular applications. It supports foreground, background spinner/loader, indicative progress bar and multiple loaders.
A package of Essential JS 2 popup components such as Dialog and Tooltip that is used to display information or messages in separate pop-ups. for Angular
A React component wrapper for spin.js with support for children
Tiny terminal spinner
Tiny HTML and SVG loaders as web components
A Spinner is an animation that communicates a loading state to users.
Lightweight SVG/CSS spinners for React
React component that displays a spinner via spin.js until your component is loaded
[![npm version](https://badgen.net/npm/v/react-loading-overlay-ts)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-loading-overlay-ts) ![minified + gzipped](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/minzip/react-loading-overlay-ts) [![downloads](https://badgen.net/npm/dw/re
React implementation of the SVG Loaders library by Sam Herbert
Zero configuration loading spinner.
Simple slim accessible progress bars
A collection of animated loading indicators for React Native
Progress indicator for networked images, supports progress bar and spinner
Pure text, CSS only, font independent, inline loading indicators
A material design spinner
Create and manage multiple spinners in command-line interface programs
Tree-shakeable CSS and SVG loaders for React
A spinner animation to indicate loading state (e.g pending requests) for the user.
> An animated loop used for giving users feedback while the content of a page or section is being loaded.