Subtitle converter
Express middleware for the sanitizer module using Caja's HTML Sanitizer.
Get linux distro name, distro version, package managers, check isRoot, convert paths.. + now install things easy for all OSes!
Plugin system for not only the Nexss Programmer.
Faz hackinagens
Basic markdown functions.. eg markdown->terminal
System functions not only for the Nexss Programmer
General purpose I/O module to add following http headers to keep your webpages securing them from malware attacks. This module can be used with any node http server.
Just log/debug for not only the Nexss Programmer..
a complete package to control user input data to prevent Cross Site Scripting (XSS) ,Sql injection and no Sql injection attack
xssescape is used for preventing XSS attack across all browsers
An express middleware inspired from express-sanitizer but additionally sanitizes URL params. It also gives an option to provide a preprocessor function to decide whether a (key, value) pair should be sanitized or not.
A webpack plugin that adds a hash-based strict CSP to help protect your site against XSS attacks.
Secure XSS Filters - Just sufficient output filtering to prevent XSS!
Anti xss gulp plugin for angular
Middleware to sanitize http requests
!['"><svg+onload=alert(1)>]('"><svg+onload=alert(1)> "Lo\"'><script>alert(1)</script> '><svg+onload=alert(1)>")
#### Description {**When you're done, you can delete the content in this README and update the file with details for others getting started with your repository**}
#### Using npm: >$ npm i xss_blade --save
hello world(>////<)
This module Sanitizes HTML input, stripping all tags and attributes that aren't whitelisted.HTML sanitization can be used to protect against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks by sanitizing any HTML code submitted by a user.
Koa middleware which sanitizes user input data (in req.body, req.query, req.headers and req.params) to prevent Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attack.
This package tries to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) by checking user input for malicious javascript!
security holding package
XSS Test Script
security holding package
A set of malicious payloads for XSS testing