Sitemap generator for Remix applications
A Vue CLI plugin to generate simple or complex sitemaps effortlessly.
Gatsby plugin for generating multiple sitemaps from datalayer
An Assetgraph plugin that adds support for robots.txt and sitemaps
get fetch parse crawl sitemap links recursively.
Easily generate a sitemap.xml file that consists of both static routes and dynamic routes generated from Contentful content.
Advanced plugin for generating configurable XML sitemaps with linked media for better SEO and human-readable XSL templates.
TypeScript definitions for sitemap-generator
A metalsmith plugin for generating a sitemap.xml file.
Sitemap generator for ApostropheCMS.
Override default Antora sitemap generator to include only pages for the current version, and optionally move sitemaps into the component folder for the current version
Parser for XML Sitemaps to be used with Robots.txt and web crawlers
Advanced plugin for generating configurable XML sitemaps with linked media for better SEO and human-readable XSL templates.
Generate a sitemap for Astro with more control
An ember-cli addon to parse router.js and automatically generate a sitemap.xml.
Collection of SEO utilities like sitemap, robots.txt, etc. for a Remix application. A fork of with some added bug fixes and features.
A component to display nested, navigational links.
CLI to create a sitemap for Angular Universal Applications with prerendered pages
![Master]( [![npm package](](
Utility functions for working with XML sitemap URLs
simple library that generates a sitemap from your react router
A React-Static plugin for exporting sitemap information
Generate a sitemap javascript object from the folder structure crawling HTML files only.
Painless creation of large dynamic sitemaps that consist of multiple files.
Gatsby Plugin to source Yoast Sitemap data for seamless headless sites.
Create a sitemap.xml file by streaming URLs
Dynamic sitemap component for react-router
Generate sitemap for Gatsby Apps with all image + all resolutions from the built pages.
A Vite plugin to generate sitemap from sveltekit project
A bare minimum sitemap renderer
A Scully routeDiscoveryDone plugin for generating xml sitemaps.
Mosaic - Sitemap component
Developed to create sitemap easily.
Convert sitemap.xml to an array or stream of objects
CLI to generate XML sitemaps for static sites from local filesystem
Eleventy plugin to generate a sitemap.
A TypeDoc plugin that generates a sitemap for your documentation site.
Web component - Sitemap
Crawl to discover all URL locations defined in a sitemap or sitemap index
A collection of LabEx website sitemaps - A hands-on learning platform for Linux, DevOps, and Cybersecurity
Gatsby plugin that automatically creates a sitemap supporting multi-language for your site