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ThreeIdProvider is a JavaScript SDK that allows developers to create and manage 3ID identities on the Ceramic network. It exposes a DID Provider interface which exposes JOSE signing and decryption though a JSON-RPC interface. ThreeIdProvider can be used in combination with js-did.
Getting Started
Install 3id-did-provider in your npm project:
$ npm install 3id-did-provider
Import ThreeIdProvider into your project
Import the 3id-did-provider module
const ThreeIdProvider = require('3id-did-provider')
Import using the dist build in your html code
<script type="text/javascript" src="../dist/threeid-provider.js"></script>
Understanding the getPermission
the getPermission
configuration parameter is always required when creating an instance of ThreeIdProvider. It is used to give an application permission to decrypt and sign data. What this function should do is to present a dialog to the user in the wallet UI, asking for permission to access the given paths.
The function is called with one parameter which is the request
object. It looks like this:
type: 'authenticate',
origin: 'https://my.app.origin',
payload: {
paths: ['/path/1', '/path/2']
In the above example the app with origin https://my.app.origin
is requesting access to /path/1
and /path/2
. If the user consents to this the function should just return the paths
array, otherwise an empty array. Note that an array containing only some of the requested paths may also be returned.
Instantiate ThreeIdProvider with an authentication method
To create an instance with an auth method you can pass two params to the create function as shown below. If the auth method doesn't have a 3ID associated with it yet a new 3ID will be created. This means that a seed will be randomly generated in the background. and the given authSecret will be added as an authentication method to the newly created 3ID.
const authSecret = new Uint8Array([ ... ])
const authId = 'myAuthenticationMethod'
const ceramic = ...
const threeId = await ThreeIdProvider.create({ getPermission, authSecret, authId, ceramic })
Instantiate ThreeIdProvider with a seed
To create a wallet with a seed you can simply pass it as an option to the constructor. This will create an instance of the ThreeIdProvider that derives all it's keys from this seed. Be careful, if this seed is lost the DID and all of it's data will be lost as well. Note that you will get different 3IDs every time the create
method is invoked with the same seed. An authentication method must be used in order to interact with the same 3ID consistently.
const seed = new Uint8Array([ ... ])
const ceramic = ...
const threeId = await ThreeIdProvider.create({ getPermission, seed, ceramic })
Using the ThreeIdProvider with js-did
An instance of the DID provider from ThreeIdProvider can be passed directly to js-did.
import ThreeIdResolver from '@ceramicnetwork/3id-did-resolve'
import Ceramic from '@ceramicnetwork/http-client'
const provider = threeId.getDidProvider()
const resolver = ThreeIdResolver.getResolver(new Ceramic())
const did = new DID({ provider, resolver })
API Documentation
Kind: global class
new Keychain()
The Keychain enables adding and removing of authentication methods.
keychain.list() ⇒ Array.<string>
List all current authentication methods.
Kind: instance method of Keychain
Returns: Array.<string>
- A list of authIds.
keychain.add(authId, authSecret)
Add a new authentication method (adds to staging).
Kind: instance method of Keychain
Param | Type | Description |
authId | String | An identifier for the auth method |
authSecret | Uint8Array | The authSecret to use, should be of sufficient entropy |
Remove an authentication method (adds to staging).
Kind: instance method of Keychain
Param | Type | Description |
authId | String | An identifier for the auth method |
keychain.status() ⇒ KeychainStatus
Show the staging status of the keychain.
Since removing auth methods will rotate the keys of the 3ID its a good idea
to remove multiple auth methods at once if desired. Therefore we introduce
a commit pattern to do multiple updates to the keychain at once.
Kind: instance method of Keychain
Returns: KeychainStatus
- Object that states the staging status of the keychain
Commit the staged changes to the keychain.
Kind: instance method of Keychain
Kind: global class
new Permissions()
The Permissions class exposes methods to read and update the given permissions
permissions.request(origin, paths) ⇒ Array.<String>
Request permission for given paths for a given origin.
Kind: instance method of Permissions
Returns: Array.<String>
- The paths that where granted permission for
Param | Type | Description |
origin | String | Application domain |
paths | Array.<String> | The desired paths |
permissions.has(origin, paths) ⇒ Boolean
Determine if permission has been given for paths for a given origin.
Kind: instance method of Permissions
Returns: Boolean
- True if permission has previously been given
Param | Type | Description |
origin | String | Application domain |
paths | Array.<String> | The desired paths |
permissions.get(origin) ⇒ Array.<String>
Get the paths which the given origin has permission for.
Kind: instance method of Permissions
Returns: Array.<String>
- The permissioned paths
Param | Type | Description |
origin | String | Application domain |
permissions.set(origin, paths)
Set the paths which the given origin should have permission for.
Kind: instance method of Permissions
Param | Type | Description |
origin | String | Application domain |
paths | Array.<String> | The desired paths |
Kind: global class
new ThreeIdProvider()
Use ThreeIdProvider.create() to create an ThreeIdProvider instance
Kind: instance property of ThreeIdProvider
Name | Type | Description |
keychain | Keychain | Edit the keychain |
Kind: instance property of ThreeIdProvider
Name | Type | Description |
permissions | Permissions | Edit permissions |
Kind: instance property of ThreeIdProvider
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | The DID of the ThreeIdProvider instance |
threeIdProvider.getDidProvider() ⇒ DidProvider
Get the DIDProvider
Kind: instance method of ThreeIdProvider
Returns: DidProvider
- The DIDProvider for this ThreeIdProvider instance
ThreeIdProvider.create(config) ⇒ ThreeIdProvider
Creates an instance of ThreeIdProvider
Kind: static method of ThreeIdProvider
Returns: ThreeIdProvider
- An ThreeIdProvider instance
Param | Type | Description |
config | Object | The configuration to be used |
config.getPermission | function | The function that is called to ask the user for permission |
config.ceramic | CeramicApi | The ceramic instance to use |
config.seed | Uint8Array | The seed of the 3ID, 32 bytes |
config.authSecret | Uint8Array | The authSecret to use, 32 bytes |
config.authId | String | The authId is used to identify the authSecret |
config.disableIDX | Boolean | Disable creation of the IDX document |
config.v03ID | String | A v0 3ID, has to be passed if a migration is being preformed |