This provides some shortcodes and filters for generating Cloudinary URLs.
It's mostly just a wrapper around the Cloudinary Node SDK, although it will attempt some coercion to get valid public IDs from various kinds of input.
Install the plugin with npm or yarn:
$ npm -i @11in/cloudinary --save
Add it to your eleventy.config.js
module.exports = function (conf) {
conf.namespace('cl_', () => {
conf.addPlugin(cloudinary, {
name: "your-cloud-name",
You can alternatively set an environment variable called CLOUDINARY_URL
It's found on your Cloudinary dashboard, and looks something like this:
Use the shortcodes & filters:
{% cl_img { path: 'image.jpg', transforms: [{ width: 670 }] } %}
{{ 'image.jpg' | cl_url({width: 670}) }}
Cloudinary is fairly good at extracting your asset ids from various URLs you might get out of Cloudinary (or, say, Forestry).
So you can also do something like this:
{% cl_img { path: '/v1610229506/directory/2021/01/image.jpg', transforms: [{ width: 670 }] } %}
{{ '' | cl_url({width: 670}) }}
For more information, see the full documentation.