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Library written in JS that contains all useful functions and setups

Version published


React Native Components


Library that contains all sharable utilities and configuration files, written in Javascript.

NPM version code style: prettier

2600Hz - Commio

JS Utilities Library


yarn add @2600hz/commland-utilities


import { capitalize, humanize } from '@2600hz/commland-utilities';

// ...

<Button title={humanize(buttonName)} onPress={}.... />

You can also import or require directly from folder

const {
} = require('@2600hz/commland-utilities/lib/prettier-config');

prettierBaseConfig.jsxBracketSameLine = false;

module.exports = prettierBaseConfig;

Configuration files You can extend any of the following configs:

  • eslint (.eslintrc.js)
  • prettier (..prettierrc.js)
  • release-it (.release-it.js)
  • commitlint (commitlint.config.js)
  • svgrrc (.svgrrc.js)
  • jest (jest.config.js)
  • lint-staged (lint-staged.config.js)
  • tsconfig (tsconfig.json)

All configuration files are imported and used same way, there are just two files that need different treatment

eslint Eslint file exports a function that receives the root folder

const {
} = require('@2600hz/commland-utilities/lib/eslint-config');

module.exports = eslintBaseConfig(__dirname);

tsconfig This file must extends from any of the ts config files available

  "extends": "@2600hz/commland-utilities/tsconfig.base",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": "./",
  "exclude": [...],
  "include": [...],


This project requires Node.js v14+ to run.

Using .nvmrc file helps to normalize node version used by all maintainers. If you are required to use version specified in this file, run these commands.

nvm use
nvm install

Use the package manager yarn v1+ to install dependencies and devDependencies.

yarn install
# Or just

Create symlink Run the following command on package root folder, so you can consume on an app locally

yarn link

Watch project Build package whenever there is a change

yarn watch

Consume the package Both projects must be placed on same folder, otherwise won't work

yarn link @2600hz/commland-utilities

Build the package Automatically will build the project

yarn build


Format code using Eslint

yarn run lint:fix

Format code using Prettier

yarn run format

Format code using Prettier and Eslint

yarn run prettify

Check Typescript on files

yarn run typescript

Run full check

yarn run full-check


Components library uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

  • Typescript - Strongly typed programming language which builds on JavaScript
  • NodeJs - Allows execute javascript scripts on the terminal
  • Luxon - library for dealing with dates and times in JavaScript (better alternative than Moment.js)


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.

Commits Commits must follow conventional commit format Make sure your messages look like the following examples

feat: Adding new badge component
fix: Touchable component not being exported correctly
fix!: Drop support for Typescript

Note that the last one will generate a Major commit. It has the same result as adding a breaking change footer

Follow Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 to update project version.

Release-It will take care of versioning, you just have to give the correct type to commit:

  • fix - to indicate a bug fix (PATCH) ex . v0.0.1
  • feat - to indicate a new feature (MINOR) ex. v0.1.0
  • chore - for updates that do not require a version bump (.gitignore, comments, etc.)
  • docs - for updates to the documentation
  • BREAKING CHANGE - regardless of type, indicates a Major release (MAJOR) ex. v1.0.0

Visit Conventional Commits for more examples.

Make a release Run following command after your last commit/amend. Then answer with Y/N the prompt

yarn release





Package last updated on 09 Jan 2024

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