OpenAPI React Query Codegen
Node.js library that generates React Query (also called TanStack Query) hooks based on an OpenAPI specification file.

- Generates custom react hooks that use React Query's
, useSuspenseQuery
, useMutation
and useInfiniteQuery
hooks - Generates custom functions that use React Query's
and prefetchQuery
functions - Generates query keys and functions for query caching
- Generates pure TypeScript clients generated by @hey-api/openapi-ts
$ npm install -D @7nohe/openapi-react-query-codegen
Register the command to the scripts
property in your package.json file.
"scripts": {
"codegen": "openapi-rq -i ./petstore.yaml -c axios"
You can also run the command without installing it in your project using the npx command.
$ npx --package @7nohe/openapi-react-query-codegen openapi-rq -i ./petstore.yaml -c axios
$ openapi-rq --help
Usage: openapi-rq [options]
Generate React Query code based on OpenAPI
-V, --version output the version number
-i, --input <value> OpenAPI specification, can be a path, url or string content (required)
-o, --output <value> Output directory (default: "openapi")
-c, --client <value> HTTP client to generate (choices: "angular", "axios", "fetch", "node", "xhr", default: "fetch")
--request <value> Path to custom request file
--format <value> Process output folder with formatter? (choices: "biome", "prettier")
--lint <value> Process output folder with linter? (choices: "biome", "eslint")
--operationId Use operation ID to generate operation names?
--serviceResponse <value> Define shape of returned value from service calls (choices: "body", "response", default: "body")
--base <value> Manually set base in OpenAPI config instead of inferring from server value
--enums <value> Generate JavaScript objects from enum definitions? ['javascript', 'typescript', 'typescript+namespace']
--enums <value> Generate JavaScript objects from enum definitions? (choices: "javascript", "typescript")
--useDateType Use Date type instead of string for date types for models, this will not convert the data to a Date object
--debug Run in debug mode?
--noSchemas Disable generating JSON schemas
--schemaType <value> Type of JSON schema [Default: 'json'] (choices: "form", "json")
--pageParam <value> Name of the query parameter used for pagination (default: "page")
--nextPageParam <value> Name of the response parameter used for next page (default: "nextPage")
--initialPageParam <value> Initial value for the pagination parameter (default: "1")
-h, --help display help for command
Example Usage
$ openapi-rq -i ./petstore.yaml
Output directory structure
- openapi
- queries
- index.ts <- main file that exports common types, variables, and queries. Does not export suspense or prefetch hooks
- common.ts <- common types
- ensureQueryData.ts <- generated ensureQueryData functions
- queries.ts <- generated query hooks
- suspenses.ts <- generated suspense hooks
- prefetch.ts <- generated prefetch functions learn more about prefetching in in link below
- requests <- output code generated by @hey-api/openapi-ts
In your app
Using the generated hooks
import { usePetServiceFindPetsByStatus } from "../openapi/queries";
function App() {
const { data } = usePetServiceFindPetsByStatus({ status: ["available"] });
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Pet List</h1>
<ul>{data?.map((pet) => <li key={}>{}</li>)}</ul>
export default App;
Using the generated typescript client
import { useQuery } from "@tanstack/react-query";
import { PetService } from "../openapi/requests/services";
import { usePetServiceFindPetsByStatusKey } from "../openapi/queries";
function App() {
const { data } = useQuery({
queryKey: [usePetServiceFindPetsByStatusKey],
queryFn: () => {
return PetService.findPetsByStatus(["available"]);
return <div className="App">{/* .... */}</div>;
export default App;
Using Suspense Hooks
import { useDefaultClientFindPetsSuspense } from "../openapi/queries/suspense";
function ChildComponent() {
const { data } = useDefaultClientFindPetsSuspense({ tags: [], limit: 10 });
return <ul>{data?.map((pet, index) => <li key={}>{}</li>)}</ul>;
function ParentComponent() {
return (
<Suspense fallback={<>loading...</>}>
<ChildComponent />
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Pet List</h1>
<ParentComponent />
export default App;
Using Mutation hooks
import { usePetServiceAddPet } from "../openapi/queries";
function App() {
const { mutate } = usePetServiceAddPet();
const handleAddPet = () => {
mutate({ name: "Fluffy", status: "available" });
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Add Pet</h1>
<button onClick={handleAddPet}>Add Pet</button>
export default App;
Invalidating queries after mutation
Invalidating queries after a mutation is important to ensure the cache is updated with the new data. This is done by calling the queryClient.invalidateQueries
function with the query key used by the query hook.
Learn more about invalidating queries here.
To ensure the query key is created the same way as the query hook, you can use the query key function exported by the generated query hooks.
import {
} from "../openapi/queries";
function App() {
const [status, setStatus] = React.useState(["available"]);
const { data } = usePetServiceFindPetsByStatus({ status });
const { mutate } = usePetServiceAddPet({
onSuccess: () => {
queryKey: [UsePetServiceFindPetsByStatusKeyFn({
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Pet List</h1>
<ul>{data?.map((pet) => <li key={}>{}</li>)}</ul>
onClick={() => {
mutate({ name: "Fluffy", status: "available" });
Add Pet
export default App;
Using Infinite Query hooks
This feature will generate a function in infiniteQueries.ts when the name specified by the pageParam
option exists in the query parameters and the name specified by the nextPageParam
option exists in the response.
The initialPageParam
option can be specified to set the intial page to load, defaults to 1. The nextPageParam
supports dot notation for nested values (i.e.
Example Schema:
description: |
Returns paginated pets from the system that the user has access to
operationId: findPaginatedPets
- name: page
in: query
description: page number
required: false
type: integer
format: int32
- name: tags
in: query
description: tags to filter by
required: false
style: form
type: array
type: string
- name: limit
in: query
description: maximum number of results to return
required: false
type: integer
format: int32
description: pet response
type: object
type: array
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Pet'
type: integer
format: int32
minimum: 1
Usage of Generated Hooks:
import { useDefaultServiceFindPaginatedPetsInfinite } from "@/openapi/queries/infiniteQueries";
const { data, fetchNextPage } = useDefaultServiceFindPaginatedPetsInfinite({
limit: 10,
tags: [],
Runtime Configuration
You can modify the default values used by the generated service calls by modifying the OpenAPI configuration singleton object.
It's default location is openapi/requests/core/OpenAPI.ts
and it is also exported from openapi/index.ts
Import the constant into your runtime and modify it before setting up the react app.
import { OpenAPI as OpenAPIConfig } from './openapi/requests/core/OpenAPI';
OpenAPIConfig.BASE = '';
OpenAPIConfig.HEADERS = {
'x-header-1': 'value-1',
'x-header-2': 'value-2',
ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root") as HTMLElement).render(
<QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
<App />
Install dependencies
pnpm install
Run tests
pnpm test
Run linter
pnpm lint
Run linter and fix
pnpm lint:fix
Update snapshots
pnpm snapshot
Build example and validate generated code
npm run build && pnpm --filter @7nohe/react-app generate:api && pnpm --filter @7nohe/react-app test:generated