Abstraxn SDK Node Client
Node Client is the api client package that communicate with [Abstraxn SDK] backend node to fetch needed smart contract wallet data i.e supported chains list, transaction history, balances e.t.c
yarn add @abstraxn/node-client
npm install @abstraxn/node-client
// import package
import NodeClient from '@bicoabstraxnnomy/node-client'
// initialisation
const nodeClient = new NodeClient({ txServiceUrl: 'https://sdk-backend.staging.abstraxn.io/v1' })
Fetch Supported Chains List
const supportedChainsList = await nodeClient.getAllSupportedChains()
console.log('supportedChainsList ', supportedChainsList)
Fetch Transactions By Address
const chainId = 80001
const address = '0xabc......'
const trxHistory = await nodeClient.getTransactionByAddress(chainId, address)
console.log('trxHistory ', trxHistory)
Get Transaction By Hash
const txHash = '0x........'
const trxDetail = await nodeClient.getTransactionByHash(txHash)
console.log('trxDetail ', trxDetail)
Get Smart Contract Wallet Balances
import { BalancesDto } from '@abstraxn/node-client'
import { ChainId } from '@abstraxn/core-types'
const address = '0xabc......'
const balanceParams: BalancesDto =
// if no chainId is supplied, SDK will automatically pick active one that
// is being supplied for initialization
chainId: ChainId.MAINNET, // chainId of your choice
eoaAddress: address,
// If empty string you receive balances of all tokens watched by Indexer
// you can only whitelist token addresses that are listed in token respository
// specified above ^
tokenAddresses: [],
const balFromSdk = await nodeClient.getAlltokenBalances(balanceParams);
console.info("balFromSdk ", balFromSdk);
const usdBalFromSdk = await nodeClient.getTotalBalanceInUsd(balanceParams);
console.info("usdBalFromSdk ", usdBalFromSdk)