Google sheets translations
Translations file is located here:
To run the update command, please, ensure that your node version is about 12 and do:
npm run update:translations
Transifex translations
Converting manually the translation files
The translation files from Transifex are in a GetText format and need to be converted to JSON.
There's a gettext converter package that can do it.
You can use it like so:
$ i18next-conv -l en_GB -s abtasty-widgets_en_GB.po -t abtasty-widgets_en_GB.json
Using the translation
We're using the React Intl package for the internationalisations. It wraps our app in a Context Provider, that you can access anywhere in the tree by importing.
A very simple usage example:
intl.formatMessage({id: 'translationKey'});
useTranslation(translationKey, lang);