CodeFlask Mod
npm i '@acarl005/codeflask'
I modified CodeFlask to be able to...
- Make PrismJS a peer dependency
- Attach (and remove) custom event listeners to the editor
- Support the Line Highlight plugin in PrismJS
- Fix this issue: kazzkiq/CodeFlask#69
- Fix bugs with tab hotkey for indentation
- Make the self-closing characters configurable
import CodeFlask from "codeflask"
import Prism from "prismjs"
const flask = new CodeFlask(editor, Prism, {
language: "js",
selfClosingCharacters: ['(', '[', '{', "'", '"'],
customEventListeners: {
"keydown": e => {
if (e.key == "Enter") {
PrismJS is highly customizable.
It actually offers custom builds with more plugins that you can opt into.
This is an awesome and rare feature b/c you can minimize the bundle by omitting unneeded functionality.
Therefore, it should be a peer dependency, b/c CodeFlask can't know which build with which plugins you'll need.