Concerto Core
Main library for Concerto model parsing, model manager, JSON instance validation and serialization.
npm install @accordproject/concerto-core --save
Create a Concerto File
namespace org.acme.address
* This is a concept
concept PostalAddress {
o String streetAddress optional
o String postalCode optional
o String postOfficeBoxNumber optional
o String addressRegion optional
o String addressLocality optional
o String addressCountry optional
Create a Model Manager
const ModelManager = require('@accordproject/concerto-core').ModelManager;
const modelManager = new ModelManager();
modelManager.addModelFile( concertoFileText, 'filename.cto');
Create an Instance
const Factory = require('@accordproject/concerto-core').Factory;
const factory = new Factory(modelManager);
const postalAddress = factory.newConcept('org.acme.address', 'PostalAddress');
postalAddress.streetAddress = '1 Maine Street';
Serialize an Instance to JSON
const Serializer = require('@accordproject/concerto-core').Serializer;
const serializer = new Serializer(factory, modelManager);
const plainJsObject = serializer.toJSON(postalAddress); // instance will be validated
console.log(JSON.stringify(plainJsObject, null, 4);
Deserialize an Instance from JSON
const postalAddress = serializer.fromJSON(plainJsObject); // JSON will be validated
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