What is @adiwajshing/keyed-db?
@adiwajshing/keyed-db is a lightweight, in-memory database that allows you to store and query data efficiently using keys. It is designed to be simple and fast, making it suitable for applications that require quick access to data without the overhead of a full-fledged database system.
What are @adiwajshing/keyed-db's main functionalities?
Creating a Database
This feature allows you to create a new instance of KeyedDB. The first argument is a comparison function to determine if two items are equal, and the second argument is a function to extract the key from an item.
const KeyedDB = require('@adiwajshing/keyed-db');
const db = new KeyedDB((a, b) => a.id === b.id, item => item.id);
Inserting Data
This feature allows you to insert data into the database. Each item must have a unique key as defined by the key extraction function.
db.insert({ id: 1, name: 'Alice' });
db.insert({ id: 2, name: 'Bob' });
Querying Data
This feature allows you to query data from the database using the key. It returns the item associated with the given key.
const item = db.get(1); // { id: 1, name: 'Alice' }
Updating Data
This feature allows you to update an existing item in the database. The item is identified by its key.
db.update({ id: 1, name: 'Alice Updated' });
Deleting Data
This feature allows you to delete an item from the database using its key.
Other packages similar to @adiwajshing/keyed-db
NeDB is a lightweight JavaScript database that provides a simple way to store and query data. It supports indexing and querying similar to MongoDB. Compared to @adiwajshing/keyed-db, NeDB offers more features like persistence and advanced querying capabilities.
Lowdb is a small local JSON database for Node.js, which is perfect for small projects, CLI tools, and scripts. It provides a simple API for reading and writing JSON data. Unlike @adiwajshing/keyed-db, lowdb stores data in a JSON file, making it suitable for applications that require data persistence.
LokiJS is a fast, in-memory database for Node.js and browsers. It offers a rich set of features including indexing, querying, and data manipulation. Compared to @adiwajshing/keyed-db, LokiJS provides more advanced features and is suitable for more complex use cases.
Keyed DB
A light-weight node library to manage a sorted & indexed collection with pagination support.
All done using Binary Search. Based off my swift code for Queenfisher
npm i github:adiwajshing/keyed-db
Running Tests
npm test
db = new KeyedDB<T> (t => t.uniqueNumberKeyProperty, t => t.optionalUniqueIDProperty)
db.insert (value)
db.delete (value)
db.updateKey (value, value => value.uniqueKeyProperty = newValue)
db.paginated (someCursor, 20)
import KeyedDB from '@adiwajshing/keyed-db'
type Chat = {
timestamp: Date
chatID: string
const db = new KeyedDB<Chat>(value => value.timestamp.getTime()*-1, value => value.chatID)
for (let i = 0; i < 1000;i++) {
db.insert (
timestamp: new Date( new Date().getTime() - Math.random()*10000 ),
chatID: `person ${i}`
console.log (db.all())
console.log (db.paginated(null, 20))
const someDate = new Date().getTime()
const cursorPaginated = db.paginated(someDate, 20)
console.log (cursorPaginated)
db.delete (cursorPaginated[0])
db.updateKey(cursorPaginated[1], value => value.timestamp = new Date().getTime())
Time Complexity
Operation | Time Complexity |
db.insert() | O(logN) |
db.delete() | O(logN) |
db.get() | O(1) |
db.updateKey() | O(logN) |