A utility library for WordPress custom API interaction, using the adora-theme endpoint.
npm install @adoratorio/demetra
Since this package has a pkg.module field, it’s highly recommended importing it as an ES6 module with some bundlers like Webpack or Rollup:
import Demetra from '@adoratorio/demetra';
const demetra = new Demetra(options: Object);
Available options
Demetra accepts in the constructor an option
object with the following possible props.
parameter | type | default | description |
endpoint | string | '' | The URL for the custom theme API endpoint |
uploadEndpoint | string | {$endpoint}/upload.php | The URL for the custom theme API endpoint for uploading files |
site | string | 'default' | In the Wordpress multi-site installation the site id to fetch data from |
lang | string | 'en' | The language in which data is retrieved |
debug | boolean | false | If You need extra log in browser console about what Demetra is doing |
version | number | 2 | The API version used (V2 is now available!) |
cacheMaxAge | number | 3600000 | Maximum cache age in ms. If the request will use the local cache (LRU Cache) |
proxy | AxiosProxyConfig | false | An http/https proxy to use for requests described as axios proxy config object |
Use this method to get pages details, the method accept the following params
Demetra.fetchPage(id : string | number, options : object);
Accepted parameters
parameter | required | description |
id | true | The id or the slug of the page to fetch |
options | false | The configuration object |
Options can take an object with the following keys
parameter | type | default | description |
type | string | 'page' | The custom post type id or 'page' if you need an actual page not a post. |
siblings | object | { fields: [], prev: false, next: false, loop: false } | If you also need information about adjacent siblings |
wpCache | boolean | true | If the endpoint will use the API cache |
localCache | boolean | false | If you want to save the data in a local cache (LruCache) |
lang | string | Demetra.lang | The language in which data is retrieved |
i18n | boolean | true | If you need to get the i18n object in the response containing all information about the other languages available for this page |
Siblings can take an object with the following keys
parameter | type | default | description |
fields | Array | [] | An array of fields you need for siblings, identified by their frontId |
prev | boolean | false | If you need the prev sibling |
next | boolean | false | If you need the next sibling |
loop | Boolean | false | If the requested page is the last or the first, treat the siblings as a circle, returning the first one or the previous one depending on the position |
The returned object will be in the following form
"status": {
"code": 200,
"message": "Data loaded!",
"cache": false
"data": {
"id": 1,
"title": "Homepage",
"path": "/homepage/",
"fullPath": "/en/homepage/",
"slug": "homepage",
"structure": [
"frontId": "Component Name"
// ... Other item data
// ... Other item components
"lang": "en",
"type": "page",
"i18n": {
"it": {
"id": 111,
"slug": "homepage",
"path": "/homepage",
"fullPath": "/it/homepage"
"siblings": {
"next": {
"id": 222,
"title": "Siblings Title",
"path": "/sibligns-path/",
"fullPath": "/en/sibligns-path/",
"structure": [
"lang": null,
"type": "page",
"i18n": null,
"siblings": null,
"date": null
"prev": null
"date": null // Filled only wen the requested type is a post
Retrieve the information and content for an archive (a collection of items)
Demetra.fetchArchive(id: string, options : object);
Accepted parameters
parameter | required | description |
id | true | The slug of the archive to fetch |
options | false | The configuration object |
Options can take an object with the following keys
parameter | type | default | description |
fields | string | [] | Array of frontId used to identify the fields for the items |
pagination | object | { start: 0, count: -1 } | A pagination object used to define if you need pagination |
wpCache | boolean | true | If the endpoint will use the API cache |
localCache | boolean | false | If you want to save the data in a local cache (LruCache) |
lang | string | Demetra.lang | The language in which data is retrieved |
i18n | boolean | true | If you need to get in response the i18n object containing all the information about the other available languages for this page |
Pagination can take an object with the following keys
parameter | type | default | description |
start | number | 0 | |
count | number | -1 | |
The returning object will be in the following form
"status": {
"code": 200,
"message": "Data loaded!",
"cache": false
"data": {
"items": [
"id": 111,
"title": "First Article",
"path": "/first-article/",
"fullPath": "/en/first-article/",
"structure": [
"frontId": "Component Name",
// ... Other item data
// ... Other item components
"lang": "en",
"type": "press",
"i18n": null,
"siblings": null,
"date": null
"pagination": {
"start": 0,
"count": -1,
"more": true,
"total": 7
Fetch data considered to be extra in the Wordpress setup
Demetra.fetchExtra(id: string, options? : object);
Accepted parameters
parameter | required | description |
id | true | The slug of the extra to fetch |
options | false | The configuration object |
Options can take an object with the following keys
parameter | type | default | description |
wpCache | boolean | true | If the endpoint will use the API cache |
localCache | boolean | false | If you want to save the data in a local cache (LruCache) |
lang | string | Demetra.lang | The language in which data is retrieved |
i18n | boolean | true | If you need to get in response the i18n object containing all the information about the other available languages for this page |
The returning object will be in the following form
"status": {
"code": 200,
"message": "Data loaded!",
"cache": false
"data": {
"privacy": "",
"cookies": "",
"email": ""
// ... Extra data with key : value here
Fetch content for a menu
Demetra.fetchMenu(id: string, options : object);
Accepted params
parameter | required | description |
id | true | The slug of the menu to fetch |
options | false | The configuration object |
Options can take an object with the following keys
parameter | type | default | description |
wpCache | boolean | true | If the endpoint will use the API cache |
localCache | boolean | false | If you want to save the data in a local cache (LruCache) |
lang | string | Demetra.lang | The language in which data is retrieved |
i18n | boolean | true | If you need to get in response the i18n object containing all the information about the other available languages for this page |
The returned object will be in the following form
"status": {
"code": 200,
"message": "Data loaded!",
"cache": false
"data": {
"items": [
"caption": "Home",
"link": {
"title": "Home",
"url": "https://xyz/about/",
"target": ""
// ... Other menu item
Fetch a single taxonomy with all terms
Demetra.fetchTaxonomy(id: string | [string], options? : object);
Accepted parameters
parameter | required | description |
id | true | The slug or an array of slug of the taxonomy to fetch |
options | false | The configuration object |
Options can take an object with the following keys
parameter | type | default | description |
wpCache | boolean | true | If the endpoint will use the API cache |
localCache | boolean | false | If you want to save the data in a local cache (LruCache) |
lang | string | Demetra.lang | The language in which data is retrieved |
i18n | boolean | true | If you need to get in response the i18n object containing all the information about the other available languages for this page |
The returning object will be in the following form
"status": {
"code": 200,
"message": "Data loaded!",
"cache": false
"data": {
"items": [
"term_id": 1,
"name": "TERM NAME",
"slug": "termname",
"term_group": 0,
"term_taxonomy_id": 1,
"taxonomy": "taxonomy id",
"description": "",
"parent": 0,
"count": 0,
"filter": "raw"
// ... Other terms following
Use this method to get locales details such as:
- code
- iso
- default_locale
- name
- translated_name
the method accept the following params
Demetra.fetchLanguages(site : string, options : object);
Accepted parameters
parameter | required | description |
site | true | the id of the reference site |
options | false | The configuration object |
Options can take an object with the following keys
parameter | type | default | description |
wpCache | boolean | true | If the endpoint will use the API cache |
localCache | boolean | false | If you want to save the data in a local cache (LruCache) |
lang | string | Demetra.lang | The language in which data is retrieved |
The returned object will be in the following form
"status": {
"code": 200,
"message": "Data loaded",
"cache": false
"data": {
"locales": [
"code": "en",
"iso": "en",
"default_locale": "en_US",
"name": "English",
"translated_name": "Inglese",
"hidden": false
"code": "it",
"iso": "it",
"default_locale": "it_IT",
"name": "Italiano",
"translated_name": "Italiano",
"hidden": false
"defaultLocale": "en"
Use this method to get a list with all the project route.
Demetra.fetchSitemap(site : string, options : object);
Accepted parameters
parameter | required | description |
site | true | the id of the reference site |
options | false | The configuration object |
Options can take an object with the following keys
parameter | type | default | description |
wpCache | boolean | true | If the endpoint will use the API cache |
localCache | boolean | false | If you want to save the data in a local cache (LruCache) |
The returned object will be in the following form
"status": {
"code": 200,
"message": "Data loaded",
"cache": false
"data": [
Use this method to get a list with all the project route.
Demetra.fetchAttachments(site : string, options : object);
Accepted parameters
parameter | required | description |
site | true | the id of the reference site |
options | false | The configuration object |
Options can take an object with the following keys
parameter | type | default | description |
wpCache | boolean | true | If the endpoint will use the API cache |
localCache | boolean | false | If you want to save the data in a local cache (LruCache) |
The returned object will be in the following form
"status": {
"code": 200,
"message": "Data loaded",
"cache": false
"data": [
Use configured MailChimp settings in order to subscribe an email to a list
Demetra.subscribe(email : string);
Accepted parameters
parameter | required | description |
email | true | The e-mail to subscribe to the newsletter |
The returning object will be in the following form
"status": {
"code": 200,
"message": "Data loaded!",
"cache": false
"data": {
"response": 1, // The request result 0 in case of error
"message": "SUCCESS!", // The message associated with the result
"mailchimp": "", // Contains mailchimp messages and debug informations
Use a preconfigured form on WP to send an email
Demetra.send(id : number, recipients : string, data : object, files : array);
Accepted parameters
parameter | required | description |
id | true | the form ID |
recipients | true | should be a single email, or a comma separated list of email addresses |
data | true | data should be a valid JSON parsable string, containing only one level key/value pairs, one for each field defined in form options on WP side |
files | false | should be a list of files handler to upload as attachments to the reques |
The returning object will be in the following form
"status": {
"code": 200,
"message": "Data loaded!",
"cache": false
"data": {
"saved": 1, // How many requests have been saved in the db
"sended": true // If the email has been sended to the recipients
Upload one or multiple files to the Wordpress media library
Demetra.upload(files : file | array<file>);
The returning object will be in the following form
"status": {
"code": 200,
"message": "Upload successful",
"data": [
"upload_id": 1, // The post id of the uploaded file
"url": "https://..." // The url of the uploaded file
Fetch all the DemetraRequest in the queue in three different ways: all together, simultaneously or one at time.
fetchQueue(sendModes: string)
Accepted parameters
parameter | type | required | default | description |
id | string | false | Demetra.SEND_MODES.ONCE | A string indicating the send mode you wish to use, it can be 'once', 'simultaneously' or 'await'. Also static enumerators are exposed to help: • Demetra.MODE.ONCE • Demetra.MODE.SIMULTANEOUSLY • Demetra.MODE.AWAIT . |
- Once: create a request package and send thath package.
- Simultaneously: simultaneously sends all requests independently of each other
- Await: Wait a response before send the next request
Internally Demetra uses a request queue which is used together with the fetchQueue() function
Adds a request to the queue.
Demetra.add(request : DemetraRequestPage | DemetraRequestArchive | DemetraRequestExtra | DemetraRequestMenu | DemetraRequestTaxonomy)
Clear the queue.
In V2 you can directly create a DemetraRequest thath can be directly sent via fetchQueue() .
You can instantiate one or more of the following class:
DemetraRequestArchive(id : string | number, options : object, lang : string, site : string, version : number)
DemetraRequestExtra(id : string | number, options : object, lang : string, site : string, version : number)
DemetraRequestMenu(id : string | number, options : object, lang : string, site : string, version : number)
DemetraRequestPage(id : string | number, options : object, lang : string, site : string, version : number)
DemetraRequestTaxonomy(id : string | number, options : object, lang : string, site : string, version : number)
DemetraRequestLanguages(site : string, options : object, lang : string, version : number)
DemetraRequestSiteMap(site : string, options : object, version : number)
DemetraRequestAttachments(site : string, options : object, version : number)
NB: The request doesn't inherit the global parameters of Demetra. Tho you can pass the lang, site and version params directly in the options
Accepted parameters
parameter | type | required | default | description |
id | string | number | true | | The slug or id of the archive | extra | page | menu | taxonomy to fetch |
options | object | false | | The configuration object (look the fetch API above to understand how to fill the object for each request) |
lang | string | false | 'en' | The language in which data is retrieved |
site | string | false | 'default' | In multi-site installation Wordpress the site id to fetch data from |
version | number | false | 2 | The API version used |