A smooth scrollbar with different renderers like virtual or native, and including a modern renderer using scrollTo (Inspired from Lenis)
is written in typescript and available as npm package with the alongside types definitions. So install as always
npm install --save @adoratorio/hades
Then it can be required or imported as module
import Hades from '@adoratorio/hades';
From now on you can instanciate and register plugins to handle the rendering of the amount with different teqniques or to add functionalities. Plugins stucture is explained later.
For the plugins they can also be imported singularly as modules from the plguins
folder and then registered using the registerPlugin
import { VirtualRender } from '@/adoratorio/hades/plugins';
hades.registerPlugin(new VirtualRender({ }));
Internally Hades
is using other Adoratorio packages like Hermes for scroll event handling and normalization and Aion for requestAnimationFrame management so also those packages documentations are worth to check out.
Available options
accepts in the constructor an option object with the following possible props.
parameter | type | default | description |
root | HTMLElement | Window | document.body | The DOM element or window on which the event listeners for Hermes will be atached to |
easing | Object | { duration: 1000, mode: Hades.EASING.LINEAR } | An object with the duration and a function used to bend the progress over time to match a curve and create more natural scrolling inertia. The function is called with a single parameter being the time normalized in relation with the total duration (currentTime / totalDuration ) so the value is going from 0 to 1. Eg. for a linear time function(t) { return t; } . It's always a advised to use a linear-in eased-out timing function to avoid weird visual artifacts when the scroll starts. Some enumerators are exposed, just for having a bunch of useful functions out of the box. If you wish BezierEasing from bezier-easing npm package can be used as easing function. |
autoplay | boolean | true | Autostart the rendering cycle or not. |
aion | `Aion | null` | null |
touchMultiplier | number | 1.5 | A multiplier for calculating the delta of touches and the speed, passed to Hermes. Reasonable values are between 0.8 and 3 but it's just a suggestion. Higher values will increase the feeling of slippery touch effect. |
smoothDirectionChange | boolean | false | If true when the scroll direction change the easing setted is kept to help the transition between one direction and the other to feel more inertia. On really smooth easing and high durations this can feel a bit awkward. If false an immediate direction change is applied. |
scale | number | 1 | The multiplier used to scale the event delta for all the events |
threshold | Vec2 | { x: 0, y: 3 } | The minimum amount of unsigned delta that will trigger the scroll event |
invert | boolean | false | If true x and y delta values will be inverted so you can scroll horizontally by moving fingers vertically |
Public Methods
Allow to update the internal amount to specific values immediately or during time
hades.scrollTo(position : Partial<Vec2>, duration : number, prevent : boolean = false)
parameter | required | description |
position | Partial<Vec2> | The x and y value to scroll to |
duration | number | The total duration in ms used to reach the position values, 0 for immediate update |
prevent | boolean | If true plugins scrollTo to won't be called |
Register a plugin inside the current Hades
instance. Return a string with the registration id, useful for unregister
hades.registerPlugin(plugin : HadesPlugin) : string
parameter | required | description |
plugin | HadesPlugin | The instance of the plugin to register |
Register multiple plugins inside the current Hades
instance. Return an array of strings with the registration ids in positional corrispondence with the provided plugins array
hades.registerPlugins(plugin : Array<HadesPlugin>) : Array<string>
parameter | required | description |
plugin | HadesPlugin | The instance of the plugin to register |
Remove a plugin from the current Hades
instance using the registration id of the plugin. Return true
if the plugin was found and unregistered
hades.unregisterPlugin(id : string) : boolean
parameter | required | description |
plugin | HadesPlugin | The instance of the plugin to register |
Get instance of a registerd plugin using his name
hades.getPlugin(name : String) : HadesPlugin | undefined
parameter | required | description |
name | string | The name of the plugin to retrive |
Allow Hades
to react to events and update the internal amounts correctly
Prenvent Hades
to react to events until the play is called again (listeners won't be detached)
Unregister all the internal plugins and detach all the events, then remove all internal references to other tools
Instance Properties
The Hades instance exposes two main properties:
• Type: interface Vec2 { x:number, y:number }
With x and y props exposes the current scroll amount, updated frame-by-frame.
• Type: interface Vec2 { x:number, y:number }
With x and y props exposes the current scroll speed, updated frame-by-frame.
Instance Getters
• Type number
Get the current direction of the scroll.
- Page moving up is
- Page moving down is
Enumerators are also exposed with Hades.DIRECTION.UP
and an inert enum is exposed Hades.DIRECTION.INITIAL
• Type HTMLElement | Window
Get the current root node on which the events are attached to
• Type boolean
Indicates if the update is currently changing or if it's still
Instance Setters
• Type object
Set the easing object. The object contain two params:
- the easing mode
- the easing duration
Use the constructor param for the documentation reference of both params
• Type number
Set the touch multiplier passed to Hermes
• Type boolean
Set whether to use smooth direction change or not.
• Type boolean
Set whether to invert the scrollin girections between x and y.
Like we said Hades
on its own now doesen't render any scroll. You need to use one of the default plugins to render the scroll or write one on your own.
A Plugin should implement the HadesPlugin
interface thath is composed by the name of the plugin as a string and some methods thath you can hook into to create custom logic
This hook is called when the plugin is register, as first param you will reiceve the Hades
instance the plugin has been registered on
public register(context : Hades) : void
This hooek is called whenever a scroll event is fired (can be any Hermes
event like wheel
or keydown
as firts param you'll reiceve the context (same as register) and as second the HermesEvent
thath caused the call.
For more info about HermesEvent
refer to the Hermes documentation.
You can optionally return a boolean value. If true is returned then Hades
will discard the event and the rest of the logic will be prevented.
public wheel(context : Hades, event : HermesEvent) : boolean
This hook is called if the scroll event is processed before any of the Hades
logic is applied.
public preScroll(context : Hades, event : HermesEvent) : void
This hook is called if the scroll event is processed after any of the Hades
logic is applied.
You can manipulate the final amount of the scroll to be passed to the next frame using the internalTemp : Vec2
property of the context
public scroll(context : Hades, event : HermesEvent) : void
This hook is called at the start of the frame before applying easing logic on scroll values
public preFrame(context : Hades) : void
This hook is the core one and is called after all the easing have been applied and here the final values are available to be applied and rendered
public render(context : Hades) : void
This hook is called when destroy
is called the main instance of Hades
and should be used to remove all listeners created and to clean up the plugin internal references.
public destroy(context : Hades) : void
This hook is called when scrollTo
is called on the main Hades
instance and will reiceve the context as well as the position and the duration passed to the original metho call.
public scrollTo(context : Hades, position : Vec2, duration : number) : void